Gas Exchange and Transport Flashcards
Partial pressure
The pressure of each individual gas in a mixture of gases. It is used, rather than concentration, to define diffusion of gas because it allows comparisons of gas activities in both liquid and gaseous environments
Henry’s Law
Expresses the relationship between partial pressure and the amount of gas in physical solution, Where C = concentration in mL gas/ml Liquid, a is solubility in mL gas/mL liquid/1 atm (760 mmHg), and P is partial pressure in mmHg
Dalton’s Law
Partial pressure = mole fraction of x * total pressure
Partial pressure of water
Evaporation of water causes gas to acquire water vapor. In lungs at 37 degrees celsius and 100% saturation, PH2O equals 47 mmHg
Proportionately lowers the partial pressure of the other gases
Temperature dependent
In dry air, the total pressure is
760 mmHg
In dry air, the patial pressure of oxygen is
159.4 mmHg
In dry air, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is
3.04 mmHg
In dry air, the partial pressure of nitrogen is
593.3 mmHg
The partial pressure of gasses other than nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen is
4.26 mmHg
Composition of dry air
78.06% nitrogen, 20.98% oxygen, 0.4% carbon dioxide, and .56% other
In water saturated air, PH2O
47 mmHg
The remaining partial pressures in water saturated air
760-47 - 713 mmHg. PN2 = 556.6 mmHg PO2 = 149.6 mmHg PCO2 = 2.85 mmHg Pother = 3.99 mmHg
Diffusion ratio for oxygen and carbon dioxide
Molecular weight:
.85 (Square root of molecular weight of oxygen over the molecular weight of carbon dioxide) (square root of 32/44)
Solubility in water:
Diffusion CO2/ Diffusion O2 = .85.567/.0244 = .8523 = ~20
Fick’s Law of Diffusion
V = (DA (P1-P2))/X
Where D = diffusion coefficient, A = surface area of membrane, P1-P2 = partial pressure on either side of the membrane, and X = membrane thickness (V = rate of diffusion(volume of gas moving per unit of time))
Membrane Resistance
= 1/Dm (Dm = membrane capacitance)
Resistance to diffusion of oxygen imposed by the alveolar-capillary interface (alveolar epithelium, alveolar basement membrane, interstitial space, capillary basement membrane, capillary epithelium), plasma and erythrocyte membrane
Chemical reaction resistance
1/ (theta*Vc) Where theta is volume of oxygen combining in one minute with hemoglobin in 1 mL of blood at partial pressure difference of 1 mmHg and Vc is pulmonary capillary blood volume
The resistance to diffusion of oxygen imposed by the chemical reaction of hemoglobin with oxygen
1/ the reaction rate of oxygen and hemoglobin for the entire lung
Diffusive resistance
1/ Dl
Sum of chemical reaction resistance and membrane resistance
Time for gas equilibrium to occur
250 miliseconds
Time required for RBC to transit the pulmonary capillary
750 miliseconds
Diffusion Capacity
= DA/X (Diffusion coefficient * surface area of the membrane/membrane thickness)
= Rate of diffusion(volume of gas moving per unit time)/ (alveolar pressure - capillary pressure)
Factors affecting diffusion capacity
DL increases with body surface area when comparing normal individuals of different sizes. DL increases with training due to recruitment of unused capillaries. DL increases with thickening of alveolar-capillary membrane as in pulmonary fibrosis, and interstitial edema (impaired heart function)
DL increases due to decrease in alveolar surface area as in COPD
Normal blood gas volumes
Normal blood gas volumes
80-100 mmHg
Normal blood gas volumes SA O2 (saturation)
95-100% (greater than 95%)