Gas Exchange Flashcards
Hypoxemia vs. hypoxia
Hypoxemia = decrease in systemic arterial PO2
Hypoxia = decrease in oxygen tension in metabolizing tissues due to excess of O2 demand over supply
List the major causes of Hypoxemia
- Decreased inspired O2 tension (ex. With high altitude)
- Alveolar hypoventilation
- Diffusion impairment
- Ventilation-perfusion mismatch
- Anatomic or true shunt
Equation for normal PaO2
- Varies with age
- Equation (at sea level, if PaCO2 is 40 torr): predicted PaO2 = (104 -0.27 x age)
Different mechanism of hypoxemia:
decreased inspired PO2
o Ex. With increased altitude
o Reduces PIO2 → reduces PA O2 and Pa O2
o Corrected with supplemental O2
PaCO2: decrease
P(A-a)O2: normal
Effect of exercise on PaO2: no significant change
Effect of O2 on Pa)O2: Increased
Different mechanism of hypoxemia:
Alveolar hypoventilation
o PACO2 determined by balance between tissue CO2 production and rate CO2 is removed by inspired air reaching alveoli (minute alveolar ventilation = VA)
o As decrease VA → PaCO2 rises
Alveolar hypoventilation if PaCO2 above normal of 37-42 mm Hg
o Remember: PAO2 = PIO2 – 1.25 x PaCO2 (assuming R = 0.8 and arterial PCO2 substitutes for alveolar PCO2)
• If increase PaCO2 → decrease in PAO2 (so also decrease in PaO2)
• Usually no increase in P(A-a)O2
o Supplemental O2 = corrects hypoxemia but not increased PaCO2
PaCO2: increased
P(A-a)O2: normal
Effect of exercise on PaO2: variable
Effect of O2 on Pa)O2: increased
Different mechanisms of hypoxemia:
Diffusion Impairment
o Causes:
• Increased thickness of alveolar capillary membrane
• Decreased area for diffusion
• Decreased blood transit time
o Usually more significant in exercise → reduced blood transit time
o Less time for complete O2 transfer → decreased P(A-a)O2
o Supplemental O2 corrects hypoxemia
PaCO2: normal or decreased
P(A-a)O2: increased
Effect of exercise on PaO2:marked decrease if capillary bed is “fixed”
Effect of O2 on Pa)O2: increased
Different Mechanisms of hypoxemia:
VA/Q mismatch
o Most common cause of hypoxemia
o Increased P(A-a)O2
o Supplemental O2 tends to correct hypoxemia = slight increase in PIO2 → increase PAO2 → increase PO2
PaCO2: normal or decreased
Effect of exercise on PaO2: usually decreased
Effect of O2 on Pa)O2: increased
Different mechanisms of hypoxemia:
True or Anatomic shunt
o When venous deoxygenated blood reaches arterial circulation without having O2 added to it
o Causes an increased P(A-a)O2
o Supplemental O2 will not correct hypoxemia, but may give small rise in PaO2 due to added dissolved oxygen
PaCO2: normal or decreased
P(A-a)O2: increased
Effect of exercise on PaO2: usually decreased
Effect of O2 on Pa)O2: No change or increased
Effects of altered VA/Q ratios
• Ventilation (V) and Perfusion (Q) determine PAO2 and PACO2
• Normal V/Q = 1
o There may be regional differences though
o Larger differences in disease
• Effects of altered VA/Q ratios
o Normal values:
• Inspired air: O2 = 150 mmHg; CO2 = 0
• Mixed venous blood entering unit: O2 = 40 mmHg, CO2 = 45 mmHg
• Alveolar gas: O2 = 100 mmHg; CO2 = 40 mmHg
o If obstruct ventilation
• Decrease PA O2
• Increase PA CO2
• With complete block (VA/Q = 0)
• Alveolar and capillary gases equal to mixed venous blood concentrations
o If obstruct perfusion
• Increase PA O2
• Decrease PA CO2
• With complete block (VA/Q = infinity)
• Same composition as inspired gas
VA/Q mismatch effect on overall gas exchange
o Lung will have lower PaO2 and higher PaCO2
o In lung:
• PO2 at apex is about 40 mmHg more than at base
• BUT most blood leaving lungs comes from lower regions → decreases PaO2
• A low VA/Q causing disease will cause a greater decrease in PaO2 if its in lower zones (area with higher flow)
o With low VA/Q → low O2 content in end-capillary blood
o With high VA/Q → only slight increase in O2 content in end-capillary blood
• Due to flatness of hemoglobin-O2 dissociation curve at high PO2 levels
o Result: a high VA/Q cannot compensate for decrease in PaO2 caused by units with low VA/Q
• Leads to alveolar-arterial O2 difference
• Normal lung: only about 4 mmHg P(A-a)O2
• Diseased lung: up to 50 mmHg or more due to VA/Q mismatch
VA/Q mismatch effect on CO2 transfer
o With low VA/Q → decreased CO2 transfer → increased PACO2 and PaCO2
o Units with high VA/Q (lower PACO2) = have proportionally less CO2 content
• Help offset blood with higher CO2 content (from units with low VA/Q)
• Because CO2 dissociation curve is linear = affects units with both high and low VA/Q
o With decreased PaO2 and increased PaCO2
• Stimulates central chemoreceptors → increase ventilation → lowers PCO2 to normal
• BUT not enough to raise PO2 to normal (only increases O2 uptake in units with low VA/Q due to sigmoidal O2 dissociation curve)
List what mechanisms of hypoxemia predominate in which types of lung disease.
• Decreased PIO2
o Altitude
• Alveolar hypoventilation
o Conditions involving increased PaCO2:
o In normal lungs:
• Sedative overdose
• CNS damage
• Upper airway obstruction
• Neuromuscular disease
o In abnormal lungs:
• Advanced lung disease without respiratory muscle fatigue
• Diffusion abnormality
o Usually only important with alveolar-capillary membrane is thickened (ex. Fibrosis) PLUS exercise and a “fixed” (non-dilating) capillary bed
• Ventilation-Perfusion mismatch
o Uneven ventilation:
• Changes in elasticity: emphysema
• Partial airway obstruction: mucus, mucosal edema, bronchospasm, intrabronchial lesion, peribronchial compression (asthma, inflammation, tumors, cysts)
• Regional check valves (dynamic compression): emphysema
• Disturbances in expansion: interstitial fibrosis, chest wall restrictive diseases
o Uneven perfusion
• Embolization or thrombosis
• Partial or complete occlusion: atherosclerotic lesions, endarteritis, collagen disease, or congenital anomalies
• Compression or vessels by masses, exudates or pneumo- or hydrothorax
• Reduction of vascular bed by destruction of lung tissue
o Note: Va/Q mismatch is also increased with age and obesity
• True or anatomic shunt
o Acute Respiratory Distress syndrome (ARDS), lobar pneumonia, alveolar pulmonary edema, lobar collapse, intrapulmonary AV fistula or shunts, extrapulmonary shunts
Hypercapnea in COPD
- V/Q mismatch → areas with high V/Q ratio, wasted ventilation and increased physiologic dead space
- Higher frequency, lower tidal volume pattern of ventilation → increased VD/VT ratio even if total minute ventilation is not decreased
- Result: VE decreases → PaCO2 increases
- Usually: total minute ventilation and respiratory drive not decreased below normal
- BUT: VE and respiratory drive can be deficient relative to increased demands from airflow resistance and dead space
Alveolar ventilation: effects of gravity
• Effect of gravity on ventilation
o Creates gradient in pleural pressure from top to bottom of lung
• Most negative pleural pressure at top
• Less negative pleural pressure at bottom
o Result: alveoli at top are more expanded = operate at a flatter portion of the pressure-volume curve
• Expand less for a given unit change in pressure
o Alveoli at bottom = more ventilation than at top
• Effect of gravity on perfusion
o Blood flow decreases from base to top of lung
• Distribution of VA/Q ratio in lung
o Both VA and Q are higher at base
o Perfusion (Q) increases more rapidly from top to bottom
o Result: VA/Q ratio is higher at top of lung
Equation for alveolar ventilation (VA)
o VA = minute ventilation participating in gas exchange = minute ventilation minus dead space ventilation
PaCO2 = VCO2 / VA or PaCO2 = VCO2 / VE - (VE x VD / VT)
• VA = VE - (VE x VD / VT)
• VE = total minute ventilation
• VD = physiologic dead space
• VT = tidal volume
o If VCO2 constant = if VE decreases or if VD/VT increase > increase in VE → PaCO2 increases
o Remember: VD/VT ratio is not constant
• If VT larger → VD will be a smaller fraction of VT
• If VT smaller → VD will be a larger fraction of VT
• Result: shallow rapid breathing will increase VD/VT ratio → increase PaCO2
Alveolar ventilation and PO2 and PCO2
• As alveolar ventilation increases:
o Increased arterial PO2
o Decreased arterial PCO2
o PaCO2 > 42 mmHg → hypoventilation
o PaCO2 < 37 mmHg → hyperventilation
o Well-ventilated units can compensate for high PCO2 from poorly-ventilated units
• Due to CO2 dissociation curve (linear)
• Result: most common arterial blood gas pattern in mild/moderate lung disease is hypoxemia and hypocapnea
• Hypercapnea more likely in severe lung disease
Causes of CO2 retention (Hypercapnea)
• High CO2 production
• Low minute ventilation
1) High mechanical load (increased airway resistance or stiffened airways)
2) Weak or inefficient muscles
3) Insufficient drive from CNS
• Ventilation-perfusion inequality
• Abnormal breathing pattern (ex. Low VT, high F)
Alveolar gas equation
** PAO2 = PI02 – (PACO2/R) + F**
o PAO2 = Ideal alveolar PO2 (a theoretical maximal value)
o PI02 = PO2 of end inspiratory tracheal gas
o PACO2 = alveolar PCO2; assume same as PaCO2
o R = Respiratory quotient/exchange ratio (ratio of CO2 output/O2 uptake); usually 0.8 but varies with diet
o F = correction factor (able to ignore)
Alveolar-arterial O2 Difference (P(A-a)O2)
P(A-a)O2 = PAO2 – PaO2
o Normal values are 8-16 mm Hg in young to older adults
• Normal value calculated: (2.5 + 0.21 x age) or about (age + 4)/4
• In healthy lungs: 50% due to V/Q mismatch from gravitational effects
• 50% due to small true shunts in healthy people (Thebesian veins and bronchial veins)
o Overall effectiveness of O2 transport across the lung (but does not identify the underlying abnormality)
o A measure of imperfection of the lung in oxygenating blood
o BUT imperfect measurement:
• Varies with different FIO2
• Instead: use A/a or a/A ratio; PaO2/ FIO2 or P/F ratio
o Normal A-a gradient
• From decreased PIO2
• From alveolar hypoventilation
o Causes of increased A-a gradient:
• Diffusion abnormality
• V/Q mismatch
• True or anatomic shunt
o Higher the gradient = worse the VA/Q mismatch
Explain how the alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient and the response to breathing 100% oxygen differ with different mechanisms of hypoxemia.
• PaO2 increased by increased FIO2 (supplemental O2)
o Decreased PIO2
o Alveolar hypoventilation
o Diffusion abnormality
o VA/Q mismatch
• PaO2 not increased with increased FIO2
o In true or anatomic shunt
• 100% O2 not effective to increase PO2
• Hemoglobin already saturated, so only get a small increase due to dissolved O2
o If PaO2 > 550 with FIO2 of 100% → no significant shunt
• Must be one of other four mechanisms
Anatomic/true shunts
o A right to left shunt
o Can occur in lungs, heart, or great vessels
o In lungs: when venous blood reaches left heart without having any chance for gas exchange with alveolar air
o Shunt equation:
(Qs/QT) = (CC’O2 – CaO2) / (CC’O2 – CVO2)
• Qs/QT is the shunt fraction
• CC’O2 = end capillary blood O2 content form alveolar PO2
• CaO2 = arterial blood O2 content from arterial PO2
• CVO2 = mixed venous blood O2 content from direct sampling of PVO2 or assuming a P(a-v)O2 difference of 4.5 ml/100 ml
• NOTE: use O2 saturation and hemoglobin content to calculate O2 contents from PO2 values
o Normal shunt fraction <0.05
o Measurement:
• On 100% O2, eliminates shunt-like effects of low V/Q areas
• Result: using shunt equation in patients breathing 100% O2 measures only the True/Anatomic shunt
Physiologic shunt
o Calculates amount of mixed venous blood must be added to end-capillary blood from an “ideal” lung to produce same amount of PO2 lowering due to VA/Q mismatch
o Measure of degree of VA/Q mismatch
o Physiologic shunt equation:
(Qps/QT) = (CiO2 – CaO2) / (CiO2 – CVO2)
• CiO2 is calculated from “ideal” PO2 and O2 dissociation curve
• Shut equation only measures physiologic shunt when FIO2 < 1.0 (when FIO2 = 1.0, equation measures anatomic shunt)
**o Physiologic shunt produces hypoxemia **
Anatomic dead space
o Total volume of conducting airways from mouth to terminal bronchioles
o Air is exhaled unchanged with no CO2 excreted in it
o Normal volume of 150 ml
Physiologic dead space
o All the non-respiratory parts of the bronchial tree included in anatomic dead space but also included ventilated alveoli that are poorly perfused (high VA/Q) and less efficient at exchanging gas with blood
o Average volume about 150 ml
• For normal tidal volume of 500 ml = about 30% is wasted (not participating in gas exchange)
o Bohr equation for dead space:
(VD Phys/VT) = (PaCO2 – PECO2) / PaCO2
• VD Phys/VT = ratio of physiological dead space to tidal volume
• PECO2 = mixed expired PCO2
o Result: higher the PECO2 relative to the PaCO2 = lower the fraction of each breath that is wasted
**o Physiologic dead space produces hypercapnea **
Identify the important data points of the hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve
PaO2 (mmHg) & O2 Saturation (%)
- -Life threatening hypoxemia 20 35
- -Cyanosis can be detected if normal Hb 40 75
- -Shoulder of curve (below = steep slope with small change in PaO2 → large SaO2 change) 60 90
- -Normal value for aged person 80 95
- -Normal value for young person 100 97
Describe how pulse oximetry correlates with the arterial PO2
o Non-invasive measurement of Oxygen saturation of hemoglobin
o Probe = light source and detector placed across a pulsatile vascular bed
- Different absorption characteristics of oxyhemoglobin and reduced hemoglobin at different wavelengths
- Two wavelengths of light source:
- 660 nm (red) = more reduced Hb
- 940 nm (infrared) = more oxygenated Hb
o Most of light is absorbed by CT, skin, bone, and venous blood
o With each heartbeat = pulsatile increase in arterial blood pressure → increase in light absorption
Describe the limitations of pulse oximetry
• Only 2 wavelengths so can’t differentiate between other types of hemoglobin like carboxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin
o Result:
• Overestimate O2 saturation if carboxyhemoglobin present (similar absorption coefficient at 660 nm as oxyhemoglobin)
• Underestimate O2 saturation if methemoglobin present
o To overcome:
• Get arterial blood sample and use a CO-oximeter to measure % of oxyhemoglobin, reduced hemoglobin, carboxyhemoglobin, and methemoglobin
o Other confounding factors
• Low and high affinity hemoglobins
• Anemia, vasoconstriction, low BP
• Increased venous pulsation
• External light sources
• Dyes and pigments (methylene blue)