Gas Exchange Flashcards
Describe and explain example of how the human breathing system is adapted to achieve sufficient gas exchange despite humans’ low SA:V
• Lungs provide a large internal surface area OR many alveoli provide a short diffusion distance as they are one cell thick
• Constant blood supply to the lungs, maintaining a concentration gradient
Why would a molecule of oxygen diffuse into a SINGLE-celled prokaryotic cell quicker than it would diffuse into a SINGLE, eukaryotic cell
• Eukaryotic cells are larger, so longer diffusion distance THEREFORE takes longer time to reach the centre
(Single-celled so shorter diffusion distance)
A mouses resting heart fate can be 5x faster than a human’s at a similar body temperature because
• A mouse has a HIGHER SA:V ratio SO loses heat MORE quickly
• So faster respiration replaces heat
Why do Insects have Specialised Gas Exchange Systems?
multicellular organism so has a small surface area to volume ratio, large diffusion distance, high demand & body surface made of exoskeleton (impermeable barrier to reduce water loss)
therefore, cannot perform gas exchange (O2 in/CO2 out) via their surface, they require a specialised gas exchange system called Tracheal system
Describe how oxygen in the tracheoles reaches the muscle cells of the insect
• Air diffuses along the trachea and tracheoles
• Oxygen is then dissolved in the water at the end of the tracheoles
• where it diffuses into the muscle cells
Some insects are very active. after a period of time the flying muscles respire anaerobically and the products of of ANAEROBIC respiration accumulate in the cells. Suggest how this affects the supply of oxygen to the flying muscle cells
• Anaerobic respiration produces lactic acid
• which lowers the water potential in the muscle cells (anything that isn’t water makes water less pure, so lowering water potential)
• So water from the tracheoles moves into the muscle cells by osmosis
• Allowing oxygen in the tracheoles to diffuse directly into the cells, so shorter diffusion pathway
Not beneficial for stomata to be on the top surface because
• Stomata could become blocked by drops of rain which would reduce the rate of gaseous exchange
• Stomata would be in direct sunlight which will increase water loss by evaporation
Way of counting stomata
• Measure stomatal density
• units- number of stomata/mm2
Long time intervals between spiracle opening could be an advantage to insects because
Conserves water by reducing water loss by evaporation
When counting, cells that touch top or left lines are counted but not cells that tough right or bottom lines are not counted
• to avoid counting same cells twice
• to get comparable results
Explain 2 ways in which the structure of fish gills is adapted for efficient gas exchange.
• Many lamella/ filaments which provide a large surface area
• Thin surface so short diffusion pathway
Explain how the counter current mechanism in fish gills ensures the maximum amount of the oxygen passes into the blood flowing through the gills.
Water and blood flow in opposite directions;
Allow diagram showing counter-flow
- Blood always passing water with a higher oxygen concentration;
- Diffusion gradient maintained throughout length (of gill)
Explain 3 ways in which an insects tracheal system is adapted for efficient gas exchange
- Tracheoles have thin walls which provides a short diffusion distance to cells
- highly branched/ large number of tracheoles - large surface area
- body moved by muscles to move air so maintains diffusion/ concentration gradient
- Fluid at the end of tracheoles, which move out into tissues to increase surface area
How are leaves of xerophytes in dry environments adapted to survive
• Smaller surface area- so LESS evaporation/LESS heat absorbed
• Thicker leaves- increased diffusion distance(increased distance= longer time for water to diffuse out)
• fewer stomata- LESS diffusion
• Smaller SA:V ratio- so leas evaporation
Describe the relationship between size and surface area to volume ratio
• As size increases, surface area to volume ratio decreases
If an organism is active- they have a higher metabolic rate so respire more so they require more oxygen+ATP
Link these to the question
less CO2 so removed less oxygen present, less aerobic respiration
Less CO2 and water present, less photosynthesis reaction less growth
Explain why oxygen uptake is a measure of metabolic rate in organisms
oxygen is used in respiration which is a metabolic process
The volume of water passing over the gills increases if the temperature of the water increases. Explain why.
Increased respiration
Increase temp increased activity of enzymes
Explain the movement of oxygen into the gas exchange system of an insect when it is at rest.
- Oxygen used in (aerobic) respiration;
- (so) oxygen (concentration) gradient
(established); - (so) oxygen diffuses in
Explain 3 ways in which an insects tracheal system is adapted for efficient gas exchange (3)
- thin walls - small area to diffuse across
- highly branched - large surface area
- trachea have tubes full of air so that diffusion is fast
standard deviation
Spread of data around the mean
Disadvantage of a large mean/amount of stomata
More water loss by evaporation, so less photosynthetic reactions, reduces metabolic rate
Describe the gross structure of the human gas exchange system and how we breathe in and out.
- Named structures - trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli
- Above structures named in correct order
- Breathing in - diaphragm contracts and external intercostal muscles contract
- (Causes) volume increase and pressure decrease in thoracic cavity (to below atmospheric, resulting in air moving in)
- Breathing out - Diaphragm relaxes and internal intercostal muscles contract
- (Causes) volume decrease and pressure increase in thoracic cavity (to above atmospheric, resulting in air moving out)
Compare and contrast the structure and properties of triglycerides and phospholipids
- Both contain ester bonds between glycerol and fatty acid;
- Both contain glycerol;
- Fatty acids on both may be saturated or unsaturated;
- Both are insoluble in water;
- Both contain C, H and O but phospholipids also contain P;
- Triglyceride has three fatty acids and phospholipid has two fatty acids plus phosphate group;
- Triglycerides are hydrophobic/non-polar and phospholipids have hydrophilic and hydrophobic region;
- Phospholipids form monolayer/micelle/bilayer in water but triglycerides don’t
Describe the pathway taken by an oxygen molecule from an alveolus to the blood
- (Across) alveolar epithelium;
- Endothelium / epithelium of capillary;
Explain how one feature of an alveolus allows efficient gas exchange to occur
The alveolar epithelium is one cell thick. This creates a short diffusion pathway.
Describe how the student could use an eyepiece graticule to determine the mean diameter of stomata
- Measure (each stoma) using eyepiece graticule;
- Calibrate eyepiece graticule against stage micrometer / ruler / graph paper;
- Take a number of measurements (to calculate mean
Explain how the cuticle reduces water loss. (1)
(waxy so) impermeable to water / waterproof / stops water passing through
Slow growth of a plant can be due to
Small number of stomata , less uptake of CO2, so less photosyntheis- less growth of the plant
Name the process by which oxygen passes from an alveolus in the lungs into the blood
• Simple diffusion
2 adaptations of the structure of alveoli for efficient gas exchange
• thin walls, so decreased diffusion distance
• total surface area is large
Fire-breather cannot breathe out properly. explain why
• Loss in elastic tissue
• less recoil
The stomata close when the light is turned off.
Explain the advantage of this to the plant.
- (Because) water is lost through stomata;
- (Closure) prevents / reduces water loss;
- Maintain water content of cells.
Suggest and explain one advantage and one disadvantage of increased stomatal density
• more CO2 uptake so more photosynthesis/faster growth
• more water loss so less photosynthesis less growth
Suggest two ways the student could improve the quality of her scientific drawing of this gill
- Don’t use shading;
- Only use single lines/don’t use sketching (lines)/ensure lines are continuous/connected;
- Add further labels/annotations;
- Don’t cross label lines;
- Add magnification/scale (bar);
Explain how the gills of a fish are adapted for efficient gas exchange
Large surface area provided by many lamellae
Thin epithelium so short diffusion distance
Water and blood flow in opposite directions
Water always next to blood with a lower conc of oxygen
Circulation replaces blood saturated with oxygen
Ventilation replaces water as oxygen removed
Pumping raises pressure in the body
Which pushes air our of body
As moves down a pressure gradient to atmosphere
Use your knowledge of gas exchange in leaves to explain why plants grown w little water grow slowly
Stomata close
Less uptake of CO2 less photosynthesis
Describe how CO2 in the air outside a leaf reaches mesophyll cells inside the leaf
Co2 via stomata
Stomata opened by guard cells
Diffuses through air spaces
Down a diffusion gradient