Garden of Eden: Genesis 2 - Varun Vashisht Flashcards
What is the holy trinity?
Jesus is the Son, Father and the Holy Spirit
How did God make Man?
He formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into his nostrils, thus the man became a living being
What was the garden named?
The Garden of Eden
What was the name of the trees in the
middle of the garden?
The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
A river watered the garden, and it was separated into four headwaters. What were they called?
The first headwater was named Pishon; the second headwater was named Gihon; the third headwater was named Tigris and the fourth was named Euphrates
Where and why did God put the man in?
God took man to the Garden of Eden as he would take care of it.