What is open justice
allowing a public trial for pure, impartial and efficient administration of justice and to win public confidence
What is custom
common law
What is precedent
based on decisions in higher courts
What is delegated legislation
statutory instruments, bylaws
What is equity
(where there is a gap in law)- injunctions
What are the three court sizes in order of size: smallest to biggest?
Magistrates, Crown & Supreme Court
What is a summary offence
minor offence dealt at magistrates court
What is an either way offence
can be tried at a magistrates or by jury at crown court
What is an indictable only offence
one which can only be charged in front of a jury at crown court
What is acquittal
when someone charged with a crime is found not guilty by the court
What is beyond reasonable doubt
standard proof in criminal law
What is contempt of court
something published that does a substantial risk of serious impediment or prejudice to legal proceedings
What is counsel
legal representative
What is defamation
material that is damaging to the reputation of an individual or to reputation of an organisation trading for profit
What is indictment
list of charges read out in court
What is an injunction
court order
What is libel
defamatory statement made in permanent form (print, online, broadcast)
What is mitigation
arguments made by barristers for a defendant whos been found guilty of a crime
What is perjury
knowingly giving false evidence after taking an oath to tell the truth
What is absolute privilege
‘contemporaneous’ reports of court cases published or broadcast by the media
What is qualified privilege
‘non cotemporaneous’ reports of court cases, public and council meetings and police appeals published or broadcast by the media
What is strict liability contempt
held for contempt regardless of your intent
What is surety
the person who puts up bail
What is tort
civil wrong which someone is seeking to be put right by the law