Ganglioblockers and MR Flashcards
What are ganglioblockers?
Drugs that inhibit the effects of acetylcholine on Nn receptors which are localized and sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic ganglia, adrenal medula, and sinus caroticus.
What is an example of a ganglioblocker?
Trimethaphan or Arfonad which is highly hydrophilic
What are the pharmacodynamics of ganglioblockers?
- They block Nn receptors
- they cause pharmacological denervation since they block both PNS and SNS
what is the effect of ganglioblockers on arteries?
Vasodilation, improvement of peripheral circulation, and decrease of BP
what is the effect of ganglioblockers on veins?
Vasodilation, decrease often return, and decrease of stroke volume
what is the effect of ganglioblockers on the heart?
It causes tachycardia and stimulates negative inotropic effect
what is the effect of ganglioblockers on eye?
Mydriasis and cycloplegia
what is the effect of ganglioblockers on GIT?
- Decrease of tone and peristalsis
- Constipation
- decrease of secretion
what is the effect of ganglioblockers on urinary bladder?
It causes urine retention
what is the effect of ganglioblockers on exocrine glands?
Xerostomia and anhidrosis
what are the effects of ganglioblockers blocking sympathetic ganglions?
- Decrease of blood pressure
- inhibition of the secretion of vasopressin
- dilation of arteries and veins causing orthostatic collapse
- relaxation of precapillary sphincters and improving tissue blood supply and microcirculation
- decrease of preload and post load of the heart due to dilation of veins and arteries
- improvement of contractile function of the left ventricle of the heart
what are the effects of ganglioblockers blocking Parasympathetic ganglions?
- Tachycardia due to the decrease of effective vagus nerve and reflective response because the fall of blood pressure and vein return decrease
- relaxation of smooth muscles like bronchi, intestines, bile ducts, and urinary tract
- decrease of secretor function of salivary, sweat, guacamole, and stomach glands
- dilation of pupil and paralysis of accommodation
what are the pharmacokinetics of ganglioblockers?
- Quaternary amines absorption from GIT isn’t full and is unpredictable
- after absorption they are usually distributed and extracellular spaces and eliminated through kidneys usually unchanged
What are the uses of ganglioblockers?
- It is used in surgical interventions to obtain controllable hypertension for prevention of bleeding
- hypertensive crisis and aortic aneurysm to inhibit sympathetic reflexes
what are the side effects of ganglioblockers?
- Orthostatic collapse
- stimulation of angina pectoris
- inhibition of exocrine gland and gastric juice secretion
- atonic Constipation and development of paralytic ileus
- mydriasis, increase of intraocular pressure, and paralysis of accommodation
dryness of skin and mouth, dysarthria, and dysphagia