Game Theory Definitions Flashcards
Action or Strategy
Actions chosen by a player.
A player that can accept or reject a contract offered by a principal.
Asymmetric Information
A move by Nature occurs before any player acts, and some, but not all, players are ignorant of what Nature chose.
Best Response
A player’s optimal choice of action to a particular choice of others.
Common Knowledge
A common knowledge element is something that each player knows, and further knows that others know that he knows it, and so on ad infinitum.
Some element that can be written into a contract so that the disposition/distribution of the contract is based on the exact outcome of the element, and a third party, other than the players, can help in verifying the outcome.
Cooperative game
A game in which players can make binding agreements as to their actions. Thus, members of OPEC play a cooperative game when they agree to what level of production each is to maintain. In contrast, supermarkets, for example, choose pricing strategies non-cooperatively.
Equilibrium and Nash Equilibrium
A set of actions chosen by all players such that given others’ choices no player wants to change his choice unilaterally.
Folk theorem
A result(s), especially in repeated games, that many held to be true, but was proved formally much later.
Incomplete Information
A move by Nature occurs before any player makes acts, and some players do not know what Nature chose.
Information Set
A collection of states, each corresponding to a different set of prior actions by all players.
Informed Player
A player that has observed Nature’s move in a game of asymmetric information.
Mixed strategies
A player’s choice of action that attaches a probability to each available action.
An opportunity for a player to choose action.
Multi-stage game
A game consisting of several stages, each stage corresponding to an opportunity for one or more players to act.