Game Of Thrones Flashcards
The first men, after crossing the Arm of Dorne, to conquer Westeros were from where?
Before the age of man, who inhabited Westeros?
The Children of the Forest
The Pact, signed by the Children of the Forest and the First Men, was signed where?
Isle of Faces
What were the first gods worshiped by man?
The Old gods of the Forest
Who founded House Stark?
Brandon the Builder
Who founded House Lannister?
Lann the Clever
What was the time called when night lasted for generations, winters were at their worst, and the Others invaded Westeros?
The Long Night
What ended the Long Night
The Battle for the Dawn
Faith of the Seven, was a religion founded where?
During the Andal Invasion, the Children retreated into the North, and many southern kingdoms fell, afterward what happens?
The Seven Kingdoms are formed
The Valyrians were the first to what?
Fight alongside Dragons
After the Seven Kingdoms were formed, the Valyrians took over Westeros but were unable to conquer what kingdom?
Dorne, it is allowed to remain sovereign
What began 1AC?
Aegon’s coronation
The Civil Wars started in Westeros over the Throne?
The Blackfyre Rebellion and the Second Blackfyre Rebellion
What started Robert’s Rebellion?
The abduction of Lyanna Stark
In what battle is Rhaegar Targeryen is killed?
Battle of the Trident
Who were the only Targeryens to survive after Robert’s coronation as king?
Viserys and Daenerys
The Greyjoy Rebellion failed and who became a ward of House Stark?
Theon Greyjoy
After Robert’s death, what happens?
The War of the Five Kings starts causing the main events of the show and books.
After a decade long summer and brief Autumn, what engulfs the land?
Winter… It was coming