Game of Things Flashcards
Things that must be magic
Things you never see on television
Things you wish were delivered
Things you never remember
Things wouldn’t want to be allergic to
Things that cause trouble
Things that very old people shouldn’t do
Things you shouldn’t say to your boss
Things you would do with a million dollars
Things you wish people would stop talking about
Things you would buy if you were rich
Things you shouldn’t do when having dinner with the Queen
Things that confirm you are guilty
Things that confirm you are losing your memory
Things you shouldn’t photograph
Things that require an assistant
Things you will never see in your lifetime
Things you might find in a library
Things you shouldn’t play catch with
Things you shouldn’t say to your husband
Things you wish grew on trees
Things you would do if you had super-human powers
Things you shouldn’t attempt to juggle
Things you name home brewed beer
Things that hurt your back
Things you shouldn’t do while writing a final exam
Things that jiggle
Things that don’t make sense
Things you would like to add to the Ten Commandments
Things you shouldn’t do at your wedding
Things you should keep to yourself
Things a cow thinks about when a farmer milks it
Things that hang
Things you would have said to Eve had she tricked you into eating the apple
Things firemen do between fires
Things you shouldn’t celebrate on your birthday
Things a chicken thinks about when the farmer picks up the eggs
Things you shouldn’t do at the beach
Things you shouldn’t do at a party
Things you shouldn’t do on your honeymoon
Things you would do if you were a dictator
Things you wouldn’t want to clean
Things that confirm your life is going downhill
Things you shouldn’t exaggerate
Things you need to survive
Things that are naughty
Things you shouldn’t pick up
Things that make you relax
Things that confirm your house is haunted
Things that would get a doctor sued for malpractice
Things you shouldn’t use as an opening line
Things you shouldn’t do on a bus
Things you shouldn’t do in the office
Things your parents forgot to tell you
Things you shouldn’t experiment with
Things you call your mate
Things about men that frustrate you
Things you never see in the city
Things you would line up to see
Things that exhaust you
Things you shouldn’t make fun of
Things that you shouldn’t swallow
Things you would rather be doing right now
Things you shouldn’t say to break the silence in a conversation
Things big dogs think about when they see a Chihuahua
Things you shouldn’t give as a gift
Things you shouldn’t mix
Things you shouldn’t say to your in-laws
Things dogs are actually saying when they bark
Things you wish worked by remote control
Things that make you feel young
Things you shouldn’t write on a Valentine’s card
Things you shouldn’t say to your wife
Things you shouldn’t do in a hospital
Things you shouldn’t display in your china cabinet
Things that make people jealous
Things you shouldn’t do at home
Things you dream about
Things a waiter shouldn’t do
Things that would make golf more exciting
Things you shouldn’t capture on videotape
Things you shouldn’t say when walking out of the bathroom
Things you shouldn’t collect
Things you wouldn’t do for a million dollars
Things that make you cry
Things that would get you sent to the Principal’s office
Things that drive you mad
Things you wish you didn’t know
Things you would like to say to the President
Things you would like to try
Things that confirm you are losing your mind
Things that happen once in a blue moon
Things you shouldn’t say to your grandmother
Things you shouldn’t try to hold on to
Things you shouldn’t do on vacation
Things that squirt
Things you shouldn’t put on the kitchen table
Things you do to relieve stress
Things that hurt
Things you’ll do when you retire
Things you shouldn’t say in group therapy
Things children shouldn’t know
Things you shouldn’t do if you want to make a good first impression
Things you shouldn’t do with your mouth open
Things you shouldn’t encourage your children to do
Things you would like to do on vacation
Things you shouldn’t shout at the top of your lungs
Things you shouldn’t do in the bathtub
Things you wouldn’t want to find in your sandwich
Things you shouldn’t have to pay for
Things you do to get a job
Things that seem to take an eternity
Things you shouldn’t give trick-or-treaters
Things that shouldn’t be made into video games
Things astronauts complain about in space
Things that make you giggle
Things that could get you arrested
Things you shouldn’t advertise on a billboard
Things you shouldn’t bite
Things you do to get high grades
Things you would consider strange to include on a resume
Things you shouldn’t laugh at
Things you shouldn’t do while babysitting
Things you would like as your last words
Things you use to remove snow from your car
Things paramedics shouldn’t say to a patient on the way to the hospital
Things you shouldn’t do on your first day on the job
Things that would be fun to do in an elevator
Things you won’t find in a dictionary
Things you shouldn’t put on the front lawn
Things there should be an award for
Things that are politically incorrect
Things that make a good punch line
Things that really need a referee
Things that make you nervous
Things you shouldn’t say to your teacher
Things you shouldn’t lend
Things you shouldn’t do on a first date
Things cannibals think about while dinning
Things that are bad
Things you shouldn’t share
Things you wouldn’t want to know about your grandmother
Things you can’t believe someone actually did
Things you shouldn’t lick