What’s a Scene?
- Scenes contain the environments and menus of your game.
- A good rule of thumb is to have one scene for each “Section” of your game.
- Main menu, Level 1, Level 2 etc.
What’s a game object?
- Every object in your game is called a GameObject from character to the camera
What are components?
- The functional pieces of every GameObject
- Ex: Scripts, AudioSource, Colider, RigidBody
What is a transform?
- Every GameObject is automatically created with a transform
- A transform stores info on position, rotation and scale of a game object
What’s a Collider?
- Collider components define the shape of an object for the purpose of physical collisions
What’s a RigidBody?
- A rigidBody will allow you to use Unity’s physics.
- By Default it will react to collisions and be pulled down by gravity
What is Delta Time?
- The small time between frames. This matters to us because we need to achieve frame rate independance.
What are the types of Randomness?
- Deterministic: We provide a starting seed to get the same random results
- Non-Deterministic: Always random no seed
What two components does audio require
- Audio Listener: Created with the camera object
- Audio Source: Can be created on any game object
What is the Canvas?
- The Canvas is the area that all UI elements should be inside
- All UI elements must be children of a Canvas
What is Screen Space Overlay?
- Places UI elements rendered on top of the Scene
What is Screen Space Camera?
- Canvas is placed a given distance in from of a camera.
- This means the camera settings affect the appearance of the UI
What is World Space?
- The Canvas will behave as any other object in the scene.
- UI elements will render in front of or behind other objects in the scene based of 3D placement
UI Canvas
- Creating a UI object will automatically create a Canvas
What is Euler Rotation?
- Rotation around 3 axis
- Has a major flaw known as Gimbal Lock
- Occurs when 2 axis align therfore locking one axis out of rotation