to find resistance nd figure of merit of a galvanometer
- What is galvanometer?
IT is a device used to identify the presence of feeble current.
- What is the aim of this experiment?
We have to find the resistance of galvanometer ( G) and
another constant of galvanometer called Figure of Merit (K)
- What is the purpose of finding the value K?
By knowing the value of K, we can convert that
galvanometer into Ammeter and Voltmeter of desired ranges.
- Name the method under which this experiment works?
Half deflection method.
- Define Figure of merit?
The quantity of current required to produce a deflection of 1 division in the
galvanometer is called Figure of merit.
- Why the scale of galvanometer has zero in the middle?
A needle at zero in the middle can deflect
on both sides.
- Define current sensitivity, voltage sensitivity.
Current sensitivity- Its the amount of deflection produced when unit current passes through the rectangular coil.
Voltage sensitivity-Its the amount of deflection produced when unit potential difference is applied across the terminals.
- How to convert galvanometer into ammeter and
When a galvanometer is connected in parallel with a small resistance, the whole arrangement is known as ammeter.
when a galvanometer is connected in series with a high resistance, the whole arrangement is known as voltmeter.
- Define ideal ammeter, ideal voltmeter?
For an ideal ammeter, net resistance (X=GS/G+S) , X=0.
For an ideal voltmeter, net resistance (X=G+R),X=∞
- Why galvanometer is called a moving coil galvanometer?
Because in it, a coil deflects on both sides
due to torque.
- Why this method is called half deflection method?
It is so because the deflection is made half by
using a shunt resistance S
- How the low resistance in parallel (shunt resistance) gives the required properties to a
By adding shunt resistance to galvanometer, the overall resistance of ammeter
becomes very less and increases its current carrying capacity.
- What is the full name of ammeter?
Ampere Meter
- Is the working of MCG affected by the earth’s magnetic field?
No, Earth’s magnetic field is very
weak as compared to the magnets in MCG.