Gallstones Flashcards
What are the 3 different types of Gallstones?
Cholesterol stones - Large, often solitary
Pigmented stones - Small, gritty
Mixed stones - Multiple, cholesterol main component
What are the risk factors for Cholesterol gallstones?
Obesity, high fat diet Female Increasing age Pregnancy OCP Loss of terminal ileum (↓bile salts)
How do Cholesterol gallstones form?
Due to Admirand’s Trangle
- ↓ bile salts
- ↓ lecithin
- ↑ cholesterol
What are Pigmented gallstones formed of?
Calcium bilirubinate
Associated with heamolysis
What are some of the causes of Gallstones forming?
Gall bladder hypomobility (Causes stasis) eg TPN, fasting, OCP, pregnancy
Biliary sepsis
Admirand’s triangle (↓bile salts, ↓lecithin, ↑cholesterol)
What are the complications of Gallstones?
Gallbladder - Biliary colic, Cholecystitis (Acute/Chronic), Mucocele, Carcinoma
CBD - Obstructive jaundice, Pancreatitis, Cholangitis
Gut - Gallstone ileus (Small bowel obstruction due to gallstones)
What causes Biliary colic?
Gallbladder spasms against stone impacted in neck (Hartmann’s pouch)
Can be in CBD, but less common
What are the differentials for Biliary colic?
Bowel perforation
Define Acute Cholecystitis
Inflammation of Gallbladder usually due to a stone becoming stuck within Hartmann’s pouch (but can be due to surgery or sepsis) causes infection
How does Acute Cholecystitis present?
RUQ pain - Continuous + severe. Radiates to R scapula + epigastrium
Raised WCC
What is Murphy’s sign?
Place 2 fingers over the Gallbladderand ask pt. to breath in
Causes pain + pt attempts to catch breath
What are the complications of Acute Cholecystitis?
Chronic Cholecystitis
What investigations can be done for a patient with suspected Acute Cholecystitis?
Bloods -WCC, U+Es, LFTs, CRP, Clotting, G+S
Erect CXR - check for perforation
US - Thickened gallbladder, dilated ducts (>6mm), shadow from stones
Can do MRCP if unsure after US
What is the management of Acute Cholecystitis?
Conservative - NBM, Fluids, Analgesia, cefuroxime and metronidazole
Surgery - Elective 6-12 weeks after, if
What is the treatment if an empyema develops in Acute Cholecystitis?
Pt will have high fever + RUQ mass
Cholecystostomy (Percutaneous drainage of pus)