gallbladder pathology Flashcards
cholecystitis etiology
stones in the GB can lead to acute cholecystitis. Characterized by retention of bile and secondary infection by E. coli/bacteroids. stones in cystic duct in 80% of cases
acute cholecystitis etiology
most often caused by cholelithiasis causing a blockage of the cystic duct
cholecystitis pathophysiology
GB walls become inflamed and extreme damage may occur leading to necrosis or rupture
when can acalculous cholecystitis occur?
With trauma to the area or in debilitated pts, inflamation and infection can occur in the absence of stones. 10-20 % of cholecystitis cases
acalculous cholecystitis risk factors
can result from obstructing tumors, inadequate blood supply, seen in pts with CAD, trauma, immunosuppression,anorexia nervosa (dt bile stasis)
s/sx of acute cholecystitis
pain is initially abrubt, colicky, and becomes constant and more severe in the RUG. Can have referred pain in scapula region.
Low grade fever, N/V, diarrhea
infectious agents of cholecystitis
E.coli, klebsiella, pseudomonas, B. fragilis, enterococcus
lab results for acute cholecystits
raised hepatocellular liver enzymes AST/ALT, high WBC count, Alk Phos very high
histology of acute cholecystitis
friable and ulcerated mucosa, edema, infiltration of neutrophils and monocytes
comapare and contrast bile stones
cholesterol stones-mostly cholesterol, most common, radiolucent
pigment stones-dark bile
composition of cholesterol stones
light yellow–dark green or brown, tiny central dark spot.
usu oval, several mm- 2-6 cm
may present as single stone (most common) or several
must be 80% cholesterol or more
gallstone risk factors
4 Fs: Fat, Female (dt estrogen), Forty+, Fertile
-race (esp american indian women)
-crohns (decreased reabsorption of bile salts)
-parenteral nutrition
-rapid weight loss
cholesterol stone formation
too much cholesterol, not enough bile salts in bile.
ALSO additional proteins present in bile and lowered gall bladder emptying ability
-estrogen does all of these things
components of mixed stones
20-80% cholesterol
calcium carobonate, bilirubin, bile pigments
may be visible on Xray
components of pigment stones
small, dark, made of bilirubin and calcium salts,
less than 20% bile
depending on Ca content, mb vivible on Xray
can be single, but not as commonly large single like cholesterol stones
what is cholesterolosis?
abnormal deposition of cholesterol/triglyceride laden macrophages in lamina propria of GB
bule, lifiting epithelium overlying them
-associated with chronic cholelithiasis
clinical significance of cholesterolosis
generally no sx, alone mb no clinical significance
no evidence that this condition on its own predisposes pts to cholelithiasis/cholecystitis (though it often shows up with these conditions)
strawberry gallballder
dt triglyceride laden macrophages (see cholesterolosis)
can be localized or extensive and diffuse. Diffuse and with mucosal involvement is known as “strawberry galbaldder”
chronic cholecystitis etiol
in 1/3 to 1/4 , bacteria can be cultured from fluid in the GB
-not always associated with acute cholecystitis attacks, but there mb a hx of acute attacks
chronic cholecystitis risk factors
same population as acute, usu associated with cholelithiasis
porcelain GB etiol
chronic cholecystitis present for long enough that GB wall hardens and calcifies. morphological variant of chronic choleystits. Predisposes to cancer, so removal recommended.
Laparosopic removal contraindicated.
Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses
outpouchings of mucosa thru muscle of GB wall are characteristic, but not diagnostic (cholelithiasis, cystitis)
choledocolithiasis etiol
Gallstone that has moved into the common bile duct. Obstruction of bile at this point may lead to abdominal pain, jaundice
ascending cholangitis etiol
usu dt obstruction/stricutre in common bile duct, bacteria from duodenum grow in static bile and ascend biliary tree into liver. life threatening infection. Gallstones noted in 70-90% of cases
obstruction of pancreatic duct by gallstone
a stone in the ampulla of Vater can lead to acute pancreatitis