Gallbladder Channel "Part 3" Flashcards
These are which points?
Luo Connecting Points
List the Luo Connecting Points
What are the Xi-Cleft Points
List the Xi-Cleft Points
- Relaxes the sinews and benefits the joints
- Dispels wind-damp
These are the actions for which point
GB33 “XiYuanGuan”
Special connection to DU3. For pain around GB33 needle DU3 and vice versa.
What are the functions for GB33 “XiYuanGuan”
Special connection to DU3. For pain around GB33 needle DU3 and vice versa.
- Relaxes the sinews and benefits the joints
2. Dispels wind-damp
List the actions for GB33 “XiYuanGuan”
Special connection to DU3. For pain around GB33 needle DU3 and vice versa.
- Relaxes the sinews and benefits the joints
2. Dispels wind-damp
These are the actions for which point
- Benefits the sinews and joints
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
- Spreads Liver qi and benefits the lateral costal region
- Clears Liver and GallBladder damp-heat
- Harmonises shaoyang
GB34 “YangLingQuan”
Earth Point
Hui-Meeting of Sinews
Treats muscle disorders such as hemiplegia or Bell’s palsy. It’s an important point for low back pain if the pain is muscular in origin. GB34 also helps to stop bleeding in the uterus, stomach, and large intestine.
List the functions for GB34 “YangLingQuan”
Earth Point
Hui-Meeting of Sinews
Treats muscle disorders such as hemiplegia or Bell’s palsy. It’s an important point for low back pain if the pain is muscular in origin. GB34 also helps to stop bleeding in the uterus, stomach, and large intestine.
- Benefits the sinews and joints
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
- Spreads Liver qi and benefits the lateral costal region
- Clears Liver and GallBladder damp-heat
- Harmonises shaoyang
What are the actions for GB34 “YangLingQuan”
Earth Point
Hui-Meeting of Sinews
Treats muscle disorders such as hemiplegia or Bell’s palsy. It’s an important point for low back pain if the pain is muscular in origin. GB34 also helps to stop bleeding in the uterus, stomach, and large intestine.
- Benefits the sinews and joints
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
- Spreads Liver qi and benefits the lateral costal region
- Clears Liver and GallBladder damp-heat
- Harmonises shaoyang
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
- Regulates Gall Bladder qi and calms the spirit
These are the functions for which point
GB35 “YangJiao”
Xi-Cleft “Yang Linking”
List the actions for GB35 “YangJiao”
Xi-Cleft “Yang Linking”
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
2. Regulates Gall Bladder qi and calms the spirit
What are the functions for GB35 “YangJiao”
Xi-Cleft “Yang Linking”
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
2. Regulates Gall Bladder qi and calms the spirit
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
- Clears heat and detoxifies poison
These are the actions for which point
GB36 “WaiQiu”
Describe the functions for GB36 “WaiQiu”
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
2. Clears heat and detoxifies poison
What are the functions for GB36 “WaiQiu”
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
2. Clears heat and detoxifies poison
- Benefits the eyes
- Dispels wind-damp, activates the channel and
alleviates pain
These are the actions for which point
GB37 “GuangMing”
This point is like Gou Qi Zi they both nourish the eyes.
Eye Points: GB37, LV3, GB20, SI6
Herbs: Gou Qi Zi, Ju Hua, Nu Zhen Zi, Che Qian Zi, Jue Ming Zi
These functions represent which point GB37 “GuangMing”
This point is like Gou Qi Zi they both nourish the eyes.
Eye Points: GB37, LV3, GB20, SI6
Herbs: Gou Qi Zi, Ju Hua, Nu Zhen Zi, Che Qian Zi, Jue Ming Zi
- Benefits the eyes
- Dispels wind-damp, activates the channel and
alleviates pain
List the actions for GB37 “GuangMing”
This point is like Gou Qi Zi they both nourish the eyes.
Eye Points: GB37, LV3, GB20, SI6
Herbs: Gou Qi Zi, Ju Hua, Nu Zhen Zi, Che Qian Zi, Jue Ming Zi
- Benefits the eyes
- Dispels wind-damp, activates the channel and
alleviates pain
- Clears Gall Bladder channel heat
- Harmonises Shao-Yang
- Benefits the sinews and bones
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
These are the functions for which point?
GB38 “YangFu”
Jing River
Fire Point
List the functions for GB38 “YangFu”
Jing River
Fire Point
- Clears Gall Bladder channel heat
- Harmonises Shao-Yang
- Benefits the sinews and bones
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
What are the actions for GB38 “YangFu”
Jing River
Fire Point
- Clears Gall Bladder channel heat
- Harmonises Shao-Yang
- Benefits the sinews and bones
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
These actions refer to which acupoint?
- Benefits the sinews and bones
- Benefits the neck
- Dispels wind-damp
- Clears Gall Bladder fire
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
GB39 “XuanZhong”
Hui-Meeting for Marrow
Benefits the brain and head. Used for headache, especially related to hunger or food retention. Moxa at this point can help prevent Stroke also can boost T-Cell counts. Also can help with Chemo Side effects. “Anterior” Use Moxa “Posterior” Use Acupuncture
List the actions for GB39 “XuanZhong”
Hui-Meeting for Marrow
Benefits the brain and head. Used for headache, especially related to hunger or food retention. Moxa at this point can help prevent Stroke also can boost T-Cell counts. Also can help with Chemo Side effects. “Anterior” Use Moxa “Posterior” Use Acupuncture
- Benefits the sinews and bones
- Benefits the neck
- Dispels wind-damp
- Clears Gall Bladder fire
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Name the functions for GB39 “XuanZhong”
Hui-Meeting for Marrow
Benefits the brain and head. Used for headache, especially related to hunger or food retention. Moxa at this point can help prevent Stroke also can boost T-Cell counts. Also can help with Chemo Side effects. “Anterior” Use Moxa “Posterior” Use Acupuncture
- Benefits the sinews and bones
- Benefits the neck
- Dispels wind-damp
- Clears Gall Bladder fire
- Activates the channel and alleviates pain
- Spreads Liver qi and clears 2. Gall Bladder heat and damp-heat
- Activates the channel, alleviates pain and benefits the joints
- Regulates Shao-Yang
These are the functions for which point?
GB40 “QiuXu”
Good point for cowardice and indecisions, GB40 as the Yuan Source tonifies the GB.
What are the actions for GB40 “QiuXu”
Good point for cowardice and indecisions, GB40 as the Yuan Source tonifies the GB.
- Spreads Liver qi and clears 2. Gall Bladder heat and damp-heat
- Activates the channel, alleviates pain and benefits the joints
- Regulates Shao-Yang
List the actions for GB40 “QiuXu”
Good point for cowardice and indecisions, GB40 as the Yuan Source tonifies the GB.
- Spreads Liver qi and clears 2. Gall Bladder heat and damp-heat
- Activates the channel, alleviates pain and benefits the joints
- Regulates Shao-Yang
- Spreads Liver qi
- Benefits the chest, lateral costal region and breasts
- Clears the head and benefits the eyes
- Transforms phlegm and dissipates nodules
These actions refer to which point?
GB41 “ZuLinQi”
Wood Point
Confluent Point of Girdling Vessel
Benefits dry eyes. For constitutional Heat in the head Temporal Headaches and heat rushing up to the head. Add GB41 to Four Gates LV3-LI4
List the functions for GB41 “ZuLinQi”
Wood Point
Confluent Point of Girdling Vessel
Benefits dry eyes. For constitutional Heat in the head Temporal Headaches and heat rushing up to the head. Add GB41 to Four Gates LV3-LI4
- Spreads Liver qi
- Benefits the chest, lateral costal region and breasts
- Clears the head and benefits the eyes
- Transforms phlegm and dissipates nodules
What are the actions for GB41 “ZuLinQi”
Wood Point
Confluent Point of Girdling Vessel
Benefits dry eyes. For constitutional Heat in the head Temporal Headaches and heat rushing up to the head. Add GB41 to Four Gates LV3-LI4
- Spreads Liver qi
- Benefits the chest, lateral costal region and breasts
- Clears the head and benefits the eyes
- Transforms phlegm and dissipates nodules
These actions are for which point
- Spreads Liver qi
- Clears Gall Bladder heat
GB42 “DiWuHui”
List the actions for GB42 “DiWuHui”
- Spreads Liver qi
2. Clears Gall Bladder heat
What are the actions for GB42 “DiWuHui”
- Spreads Liver qi
2. Clears Gall Bladder heat
These are the actions for which point
- Clears heat and benefits the head, ears and eyes
- Clears damp-heat from the channel and reduces swelling
GB43 “XiaXi”
Ying Spring
Water Point
If there is a problem in the GB channel or organ, sedate the fire point “GB38” and tonify the water point “GB43” on the opposite side.
These are the functions for which point GB43 “XiaXi”
Ying Spring
Water Point
If there is a problem in the GB channel or organ, sedate the fire point “GB38” and tonify the water point “GB43” on the opposite side.
- Clears heat and benefits the head, ears and eyes
2. Clears damp-heat from the channel and reduces swelling
List the actions for GB43 “XiaXi”
Ying Spring
Water Point
If there is a problem in the GB channel or organ, sedate the fire point “GB38” and tonify the water point “GB43” on the opposite side.
- Clears heat and benefits the head, ears and eyes
2. Clears damp-heat from the channel and reduces swelling
- Clears heat and benefits the head
- Benefits the chest and lateral costal region
- Calms the spirit
These are the actions for
GB44 “ZuQiaoYin
Jing Well
Metal Point
Same name as GB11…Pain in the GB44 can be treated by using GB11 and Vice Versa
List the functions for GB44 “ZuQiaoYin
Jing Well
Metal Point
Same name as GB11…Pain in the GB44 can be treated by using GB11 and Vice Versa
- Clears heat and benefits the head
- Benefits the chest and lateral costal region
- Calms the spirit
What are the actions for GB44 “ZuQiaoYin
Jing Well
Metal Point
Same name as GB11…Pain in the GB44 can be treated by using GB11 and Vice Versa
- Clears heat and benefits the head
- Benefits the chest and lateral costal region
- Calms the spirit