Gall Bladder Flashcards
What is the function of the Gall Bladder?
The gallbladder stores bile, releases it into the duodenum to emulsify fats.
Where is the gall bladder located?
The gallbladder is positioned under your liver in the upper right quadrant of your abdomen.
What is bile?
Bile is a combinatoin of fluids, fat, and cholesterol. Bile helps break down fat from food in your intestine.
What are the four common problems with the gall bladder? (General)
Inflammation, Infection, Stones, Tumors
What is Cholecystitis?
Cholesystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder.
What is Cholelithiasis?
Cholelithiasis is the formation of gallstones.
What are the causes of gallstones?
Abnormal bile composition (increased cholesterol, decreased bile salts). Bile stasis leading to presipitation. Inflammation debris creating a nucleui for stone formation. Genetics.
What two bacterial have the ability to change bile composition?
E. Coli. Strep Faicalis.
Explain the significance of inflammatory debris and it’s role in cholelithiasis formation.
Inflammatory debris acts as a nucleui which allows other debris to attach to it, creating and forming the gall stone.
What are the different types of Gallstones? What percentage does each type make up? What is each composed of?
Cholesterol stones (80%) consist of bile and cholesterol. Pigment stones (20%) consist of bilirubin and Ca salts. Mixed stones are a stone which has multiple components.
What are manifestations of a patient with Cholecystits?
Intermittent and radiating colic pain. Nausea. Vomiting.
What other condition can gall stones easiliy be confused with?
Presentation of Gallstones can easily be misinterpreted as a Myocardial Infartion.
Why would a patient with gallstones be experiencing nausea and vomiting?
Due to severe pain.
How is Cholelithiasis diagnosed?
Hx, Presentation, Ultrasound (will show stones), CT, MRI.
How is Cholelithiasis treated?
Patient will be treated for pain. Dissolving agents will be administed provided there is NOT a major obstruction. Surgery is required if there is a major obstruction. Complications will need to be treated.