Galaxies, Blackholes, and The Universe Flashcards
The two/three types of galaxies
- ellipticals: the beginning form of a galaxy
-spirals/pinwheels:Older and fully formed galaxies.
Contents of Galaxies
- stars
- planetary systems
-black holes or quasar/pulsar stars
-Dark Matter
Formation of Galaxies
Started out as a proto-galactic cloud and then experienced a massive collapse that formed the the galaxy’s unique shape. Collisions and absorption of other smaller galaxies allows the galaxy to grow.
The Great Attractor
A supermassive black hole located in the middle of any galaxy that either attracts or repels millions of galaxies.
The Four Fundamental Forces/the Superforce
- Strong Nuclear
- Gravity
- Weak Nuclear
- Electromagnetism
Functions of matter
Attracts planets, stars, galaxies, etc together.
Characteristics of matter
Protons-positively charged particles.
Neutrons- neutrally charged particles
Electrons- negatively charged particles.
The complete opposite of matter which repels planets, stars, galaxies, etc from each other.
Characteristics of Anti-Matter
Anti-Protons(opposite of protron)
Anti-Neutrons(opposite of neutrons)
Positron(opposite of electrons)
A hole in space that is formed from stellar and galactic collision. Gravity is so strong that everything gets pulled in and is can absorb light.
Event Horizon
The circumference around a black hole, and the boundary within which antying will be consumed. The bending of space-time occurs here.
Point of Singularity
Regions of space where the density of matter or the curvature of spacetime becomes infinite.
(the middle of black holes.)
A phenomenon when a black hole ejects all of it’s matter in a spherical shape.
Dark Matter
Simply anything with mass/gravity in space that we cannot see.
Examples: anti-matter, Black Holes, voids.
Helps in the expansion of the universe.
The universe began…
As a hot and infinitely dense point(Similar to a black hole), which then expended wider into space.
The “Big Bang” created
Matter, space, and time.
Two major evolutionary points of the universe
Radiation Era- The era where everything but matter was formed.(Lasted only mere seconds)
Matter Era- The era where matter and everything else was formed.(Took a significant amount of time)
Planck Epoch
A period of time within the radiation Era- of the universe where only energy/light and super force/movement existed.
This period of time ended when gravity split away from the superforce
Matter was formed when…
gravity split away from the superforce and started the Matter Era.
The Grand Unification Theory
The theory that gravity split away from the superforce, leaving only three forces left.
Electroweak Force
The force of weak nuclear and electromagnetic forces.
Hadron Epoch
The period of time in the Matter Era when the strong nuclear force split away from the superforce and formed positive and neutral charged particles.
Lepton Epoch
A period of time in the matter era where the cooling temps of protons and neutrons allowed them to stabilize and form a nucleus.
Nuclear Epoch
The period of time in the matter era when the nucleus of the first element was formed.
The first formed element
Atomic Epoch
The universe was able to produce enough charge to make the second formed element of hydrogen, helped to guide the universe into the stellar epoch.
Stellar Epoch
Began with the first two elements were able to form almost all other forms of elements and made the creation of stars.
Hypothesized to end when all stars lose their energy and wink out into existence.
White Holes
The opposite of black holes that reflect light and ejects it’s gravitational force outward.
Worm Holes
The theoretic(yet to proven true) model of time bending, starting from the black-hole and ejecting out of the white-hole on the other side.