Galatians Flashcards
- Who wrote the letter to the Galatians? (1:1)
- To whom was the letter to the Galatians specifically written? (1:3)
The churches of Galatia
- Jesus gave Himself for our sins to deliver us from what? (1:4)
“this present evil age”
- The fact that the Galatians were turning to a different gospel caused Paul to do what? (1:6)
- What did Paul say those who would trouble the Galatians would do to the gospel of Christ? (1:7)
Pervert it
- ***4th-12th Grades Memorize Galatians 1:8
“But if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.”
- If Paul was trying to please men, he would not be a ___________ of Christ? (1:10)
- From where does Paul say the gospel he was preaching came? (1:12)
Revelation of Jesus Christ
- As a Jew, what did Paul attempt to do to the church of God? (1:13)
Destroy it
- How early in Paul’s life did God know he would preach the gospel of Christ and eventually be an apostle? (1:15)
Before his birth (for other examples, see Isa 49:1; Jer 1:5; Lk 1:15)
- What people would Paul especially preach to during his ministry? (1:16)
- Instead of immediately going to Jerusalem with the apostles, where did Paul go? (1:17)
- How many years did it take Paul to go from Damascus to Jerusalem after his conversion
and his journey to the foreign land? (1:18)
- What two apostles did Paul see for the first 15 days he was in Jerusalem? (1:18-19)
Peter and James (the Lord’s brother)
- Even though the churches of Judea did not know Paul by face, what was their reaction
to his preaching? (1:23)
They glorified God because he was now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy
- How many years elapsed between Paul’s first two visits to Jerusalem (2:1)
- What two men did Paul take with him to Jerusalem (2:1)
Barnabas and Titus
- Why did Paul think it necessary to speak privately with “those who were of reputation”?
(2: 2)
Paul’s preaching to the Gentiles would be under attack by some in the Jerusalem
church, so he wanted to avert disapproval by speaking with the leadership first
- Titus was NOT compelled to be circumcised even though he was what nationality (2:3)
- What men secretly had come to Jerusalem to spy on Paul and his companions and bind
the old law upon them? (2:4)
False brethren
- What does the scripture mean by saying that “the gospel for the circumcised was to
Peter?” and “the gospel for the uncircumcised” was committed to Paul? (1:7)
Peter was inspired by God to preach the gospel of Christ to the Jews
Paul was inspired by God to preach the gospel of Christ to the Gentiles
- According to Paul, what three men were “pillars” in the Jerusalem church (2:9
- The “pillars” of the Jerusalem church gave Paul and Barnabas the “right hand of
______________,” (2:9)
- With what apostle did Paul have a conflict because this man would eat with Gentiles,
but would have nothing to do with them when the Jews were near? (2:11-12)
- What companion of Paul’s was drawn into this hypocrisy of the Jews? (2:13)
- By what is man justified according to Galatians 2:16?
Faith in Jesus Christ
- If Paul were to go back and “build again” the law of Moses that he destroyed by
preaching the gospel of Christ, what would that make Paul? (2:18) (see also 3:24-25)
- ***4th-12th Grades Memorize Galatians 2:20
“I have been crucified with Christ; it is
no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh
I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”
- What were some of the Galatian Christians no longer obeying because they were
“bewitched” and thus led astray? (3:1)
The truth
- Paul asked the Galatians if they had received “the _____________ by works of the law,
or by the hearing of faith? (3:2)
- Paul refers to what Old Testament character by saying this man “believed God, and it
was accounted to him for righteousness?” (3:6)
- How would all nations be blessed through Abraham? (3:8)
Through Abraham’s descendants, Jesus Christ would be born