Galatians 4 Interrogative Questions Flashcards
A divine what?
Abba, what?
Alienate you from us, why?
A.So that you may have zeal forthem(G4:17)
Are you not aware of what?
A.What the lawsays(G4:21)
Barren whom?
Because she is in slavery how?
A.With her children.(G4:25)
Become like me, for I what?
A.Became likeyou.(G4:12)
Become like me, why?
A.For I became likeyou(G4:12)
Change my tone why?
A.Because I am perplexed aboutyou.(G4:20)
Cry aloud, whom?
A.You who were never inlabor.(G4:27)
Cry how?
Enslaved by them when?
A.All overagain.(G4:9)
God has made you also what?
God sent his Son when?
A.When the set time had fullycome.(G4:4)
Hagar stands for what?
A.Mount Sinai in Arabia.(G4:25)
He owns what?
A.The wholeestate(G4:1)
I can testify that what?
A.If you could have done so, you would have torn out your eyes and given themtome.(G4:15)
I fear for you, that what?
A.Somehow I have wasted my efforts onyou.(G4:11)
I fear for you, why?
A.That somehow I have wasted my effortsonyou(G4:11)
Known by whom?
Like Isaac, are whom?
A.Children of promise(G4:28)