Describe trendelenburg gait
-Hip Abductor weakness
-During stance phase of trendelenburg gait pelvis drops on the unaffected side.
What might a patinet do to compensate for trendelenburg gait?
Swinging the torso over towards the affected side which results in an appearance of waddling.
Causes of trendelenburg Gait?
-Lesion of the superior gluteal nerve
-Muscle pain and inhibition of function
-Biomechanical hip instability
What is Hemiplegic Gait?
-Due to paralysis of one side of the body
-Can be due to:
> Cerebral Palsy
>Trauma to the CNS
How will a patient with Hemiplegic present?
-Flexed upper limb and extended lower limb
-Short step in unaffected leg
-Circumduction in affected leg
What is Diplegic Gait?
-Spasticity which affects both lower limbs
-due to cerebral palsy (neuromuscular disorders)
How will a patient with Diplegic gait present?
-Narrow based gait, dragging both legs scraping toes on the ground
-Scissoring (legs cross the midline when walking)
-Ankles plantar flexed
-Forefoot Inital contact
What is high steppage gait?
-Gait seen in patients with weakened ankle dorsiflexion which results in ‘foot drop’
-Can be due to:
> Sciatica
>Common peroneal nerve palsy
>Neuromuscular disorders
Describe presentation in high steppage gait
-No dorsiflexion means patinet must flex hip more to lift foot. (excessive hip flexion)
-Eversion flick may be seen
-Foot slap
Describe parkinsonian Gait
-Abnormal gait Due to parkinsons (neurological disease)
Presentation of Parkinsonian Gait
-Diffiuclt to initiate movement
-Forward flexed (neck and trunk)
-Short steps (shuffling gait)
-Loss of arm swinging while walking
What causes ataxic gait
-Cerebellar disorders
-Being drunk
Presentation of ataxic gait
-Clumsy, straggering movements, broad base
-Arms held outwards (to aid balance)
-Patient may sway back and forth + side to side when standing
-Unable to walk heel-toe or in a straight line
What is antalgic gait?
-Result of weight bearing pain
-Patients walk in a manner which reduces pain.
-Often seen in patients with Chronic MSK pain
Presentation of antalgic gait
-Short stance phase in affected leg
-Short swing phase in unaffected leg
-Lack of body weight shift to affected leg
What can be used for patients with antalgic gait?
Walking stick in the hand opposite to the painful limb, which acts to shift centre of gravity away from affected limb.