Gaining or Losing Right or Title to Personal Property Flashcards
What real property?
Property that cannot be moved
What is an example of real property?
What is personal property?
moveable property
What is an example of personal property?
personal possessions
What is a leasehold estate?
estates in land
What is a fixture?
A fixture is personal property that is converted to real property by attaching it to the land OR immobile structures.
What is fructus naturales?
plants that grow spontaneously
Fructus naturales considered as real or personal property?
Real property
Fructus industrials considered as real or personal property?
personal property
What is Fructus industrials?
plants are planted.
How does someone exercise control of property (animal) that is captured and unowed?
The individual must have the intent to excerise actual or constructive dominion control over the animal
Mortally wounding an animal constitute possession?
Can possession of an animal be gained by an individual if he is trespassing on the land without permission?
No, the individual forfeits any rights to the animal / rights stay with the landowner
Can an individual gain possession of an animal if he traps and captures the animal in violation of a statue?