G-IV systems and limitations oral test prep Flashcards
What is Mmo?
What is Vmo?
340 kts.
What is Va?
s/n 1000 - 1213 = 170 kts.
s/n >= 1214 = 206 kts.
*or if have ASC 190
What is Vmc?
Vmca = 104 kts.
Vmcg = 111 kts.
What is turbulence penetration speed?
270 kts. / 0.75M
What is max ramp weight?
s/n 1000 - 1213 = 73,600 lbs.*
s/n >= 1214 = 75,000 lbs.
*75,000 lbs. w/ ASC 190
What is the max take off weight?
s/n 1000 - 1213 = 73,200 lbs.*
s/n >= 1214 = 74,600 lbs.
*74,600 lbs. w/ ASC 190
What is the max landing weight?
s/n 1000 - 1213 = 58,500 lbs.*
s/n >= 1214 = 66,000 lbs.
*66,000 lbs. w/ ASC 190
What is the max zero fuel weight?
s/n 1000 - 1213 = 46,500 lbs.*
s/n >= 1214 = 49,000 lbs.
*49,000 lbs. w/ ASC 190
What is the maximum approved altitude for takeoff and landing?
15,000 ft.
What is the maximum approved slope for take off and landing?
+ / - 2%
What is the maximum approved tailwind for takeoff and landing?
10 kts.
What is the maximum approved altitude?
45,000 ft.
What limitation is there on the use of landing lights?
Ground operation is limited to 5 minutes.
Other than the AFM, what 2 publications are required to be immediately available to the flight crew?
FMS, SPZ 8000 (or 8400)
*if installed
What is the minimum altitude for autopilot engagement?
200 ft. AGL
What is the minimum altitude for autopilot operation on approach?
50 ft. AGL (If VNAV is used, the min. altitude for disengagement is 300 ft. AGL or 50 ft. below MDA. Whichever is higher).
What is the minimum altitude for autothrottle operation on approach?
50 ft. AGL
When is the autothrottle not authorized for use during take off or go around?
When wing anti-ice is used.
What is the engine starter duty cycle?
30 sec. on / 3 min. off
30 sec. on / 3 min. off
30 sec. on / 15 min. off
What is the airstart ignition duty cycle?
s/n 1000 - 1249 =
30 sec. on / 30 sec. off
5 min. on / 30 min. off
s/n >= 1250 = continuously
*also for sub =< 1249 w/ ASC 304
What is the maximum engine fuel temperature?
90 C indefinitely, or 120 C for 15 min.
What is the minimum engine fuel temperature?
-40 C/F
What is the maximum oil temperature?
105C indefinitely, or 120C for 15 min.
What is the minimum oil temperature?
-40 C/F
What is the minimum oil temperature for opening the power levers?
Minus - 30 C
What is the limitation for the engine synchronizer system?
The engine synchronizer must be off for takeoff and landing.
When do we need to cancel reverse during landing?
Initiate cancellation of reverse thrust by 70 kts. to achieve idle reverse thrust by normal taxi speed.
What is the maximum APU EGT?
988 C by 60%
732 C after starting,
680 C with bleed air on.
What is the maximum APU RPM?
What are the APU starter duty limits if starting on batteries?
3 - 30 second attempts
20 minutes off
2 - 15 second attempts
1 hour off
What are the APU starter duty limits if starting on a GPU?
2 - 15 second attempts
20 minutes off
2 - 15 second attempts
1 hour off
What is the APU starter duty cycle if the starts are successful?
6 starts with 10 minute intervals between starts.
Then 1 hour off.
What is the APU starting envelope?
SL to 15,000 below 250 kts. = start guaranteed.
15,000 to 20,000 = start is possible.
What limitations must be considered if the APU is operated above 30,000?
An inspection is required if the APU is operated above 30,000 ft. for more than 1 hour or more, or more than 5 times above 35,000 ft.
Can the APU be used for pressurization in flight?
No, the nutcrackers disable the APU bleed air.
What limitations apply to the standby electrical system?
Minimum HP RPM = 67%
No ground spoilers
No thrust reversers
Speedbrakes may be used, but operated slowly (about 5 seconds for full deflection)
What limitation must be observed before pulling the flight power shutoff handle?
The speedbrakes must be retracted (Assymetrical blow down).
What is Vle?
250 kts.
What is Vlo?
Normal = 225 kts.
Alternate = 175 kts.
What is the maximum tire speed?
s/n 1000 - 1213 = 182 kts.*
s/n >= 1214 = 195 kts.
*or if have ASC 190 for prior
What is the maximum altitude with the landing gear extended?
20,000 ft.
When are speedbrakes not authorized?
Flaps 39 or landing gear extended.
If a takeoff is made with ground spoilers inoperative, what configuration must be used?
Flaps must be at 20.
Anti-skid must be operative.
If a takeoff is made with anti-skid inoperative, what configuration must be used?
Flaps must be at 20.
Ground spoilers must be operative.
Rated thrust must be used.
Cowl and wing anti-ice must be off.
What 2 brake messages must be cleared prior to takeoff?
Brake Pedal (BBW) and Brake Fail.
What are the Vfe speeds?
Flaps 10 = 250 kts.
Flaps 20 = 220 kts.
Flaps 39 = 170 kts.
Flaps 39 = 180 kts. (* w/ ASC 190 or s/n 1214 and later.)
What is the maximum speed with both mach-trim compensators inoperative or electric trim inop?
What speed considerations must be observed if the yaw damper fails in flight?
Minimum speed with yaw damper inoperative is 220 kts. above FL 180. Below FL 180, see AFM for minimum speed (it’s a function of fuel.)
What limitations apply if both mach-trim compensators and the yaw damper are inoperative?
Max altitude = 41,000 ft. Speed limits for both apply (max 0.75M & min 220 kts. above FL 180)
Are mach-trim compensators required to be on during flight?
Are the stall barrier computers required to be on during flight?
What is the maximum altitude that you can operate with flaps 39?
20,000 ft.
What limitation applies if a takeoff is made with your yaw damper inoperative?
Maximum fuel load is 9,000 lbs.
What bleed considerations must be observed above 41,000 ft.?
Do not operate above 41,000 ft. without both engine bleeds ON and each engine being bled by either the air conditioning (PACKS) on. If a PACK is turned off, the corresponding cowl anti-ice must be on. (*prevents compressor stalls)
What is the max cabin differential?
9.8 PSID
What is the max cabin differential permitted during taxi, takeoff and landing?
0.3 PSID
What is the maximum windshield wiper speed?
200 kts.
When is the cowl anti-ice required on the ground?
When static air temp (SAT) is below +10C and visible moisture, precipitation, or contaminated runway are present. Engine operation of 85% LP for 60 seconds is recommended just prior to takeoff.
When is wing anti-ice required?
When icing conditions are imminent or immediately upon detection of ice formation on wings, winglets, or windshield edges.
What conditions must be met in order to turn off 1 boost bump while at cruise?
Fuel tank temps must be above 0 C or fuel contains anti-icing additive.
What is total useable fuel?
29,500 lbs.
(26,000 lbs. for G-300)
What is the maximum possible fuel imbalance?
Ranging from a 2,000 lb. imbalance at a weight of 55,000 lbs. to a 400 lb. imbalance at a weight of 66,500 lbs.
If a thrust reverser deploys accidentally what would happen to engine thrust?
It is reduced to idle by a cable that automatically retards the respective power lever.
What EVM indications are considered normal in icing conditions and non-icing?
In icing = 1.25
Non-icing = 0.60
When checking the engine oil, what precaution must be observed when reading the sight gauge?
There are 2 tapes on either side. While checking the left engine, check the left sight gauge. Right engine, right sight gauge.
What indications should be observed prior to opening up the HP fuel cock during an engine start?
Positive LP
Positive HP (min 15%)
Positive oil pressure
TGT rising
Which hydraulic system power the thrust reverser?
The left engine is powered by the Combined System (left engine)
The right engine is powered by the Flight System (right engine)
During preflight what would you look for on the thrust reverser?
General condition, doors fully stowed and flush to engine cowl and no leaks.
If a flameout occurred and you are unable to close the HP cock, what would you suspect has happened?
Shaft separation.
Where we tap customer bleed?
7th and 12th stage.
Will the oil filter bypass?
Will the fuel filter bypass?
What are the engine idle speeds?
Ground = 46.6%
Airborne w/ flaps less then 22 = 46.6% HP
Airborne w/ flaps greater than 22 = 67% HP
What do the colors on the engine instruments indicate?
Red = Max and Min
Amber = Takeoff and Caution
White = Normal
When do the standby engine instruments come on?
In auto, if a primary engine instrument fails, in a manual full time.
What engine parameters are displayed on the standby engine instruments?
The primary engine instruments (left side of the DU #3).
What would you suspect if the APU master switch is turned on and the low oil pressure light did not come on?
The APU inlet door did not open.
What is the APU used for on the ground? In the air?
Ground = air & electricity
Air = electricity only
When shutting down the APU by using the overspeed / test switch, when should you turn off the master switch?
After the RPM reaches 10%
If an automatic shutdown of the APU occurs, where would you look to determine what caused the shutdown?
On the APU fault indicator panel in the tail compartment.
If a flag is in the view on the APU fault panel (in the tail cone section), what should be done before starting the APU?
Actuate the reset switch and make a note of which flag was in view.
Where does the APU receive its fuel from?
From the left hopper fuel ejector line.
If the APU is started and for some reason it shuts down, and the decision is made to restart, what must be done with the APU cockpit controls prior to the restart?
The APU master switch must be turned off then back on.
Once the APU is operating, how long should you wait before placing the electrical loads on the APU? What about pneumatic loads?
Electrical (Aux Power) = immediately.
APU bleed air = at least 2 minutes before turning on.
What is the correct configuration for the APU shutdown?
Alternator - off, Air - unchanged until 10% RPM
When you shutdown the APU, you press the Overspeed Test Switch, what does this actually do?
It simulates an overspeed of 114% RPM which causes the ECU to close the APU fuel valve.
After the APU is operating, how would turn on the alternator?
By selecting the AUX power on.
If the APU is operating and the AUX power switch is on, when both engine driven alternators are operating, will the APU OFF light be on?