Fx Classifications Flashcards
Essex-Lopresti tongue type fx
primary fx line (shear fx) which is intra-articular, spearates the sustentaculum tali from the lateral body, secondary fx line through the tuberosity, resembles beak fx
Fortins type 1
talar body fx, fx of talar body on any plane
Lauge-Hanson Supination-adduction
stage 1: rupture of lateral collateral ligaments +/or transverse fx of fibula below ankle joint
stage 2: vertical fx of medial malleolus, -pathomneumonic-talus moves medially, if talus has a vertical fx its a stage 2
Classification for 5th met base fx
Stewart Classification
Rowe 1a
Fx of calcaneal tuberlce
Ruedi and Allgower type 2
pilon fx, significant displacement fx
Lauge-Hanson Pronation abduction
Stage 1: rupture of deltoid ligament +/or transverse fx of medial malleolus
Stage 2: disruption of AITFL and PITFL
Stage 3: Short oblique fx of fibula at ankle joint-pathomneumonic
McCrory and Bladen Type A
chip (avulsion fx) of lateral process of talus
Sanders Type 3BC
2 fx lines separating posterior facet into lateral/central, medial and sustentacular column
Classification for pilon fractures
Ruedi and Allgower
Danis Weber Type A
Fibular fx below level of ankle = supination-adduction
Calcaneal fx classifications (3)
Rowe, Essex-Lopresti and Sanders
Fortins type 2
talar body fx, fx of talar process or tubercle
Sneppin group 5
talar body fx, crush, comminuted fx
What is the classification of the lateral tubercle of talus fx (2)?
Hawkins, McCrory and Bladen
Rowe 3
Oblique body fx of calcaneus not involving STJ-most common extra-articular fx
Berndt and Hardy type 1
small area of compression, talar OCD
Sanders type 2a
2 part fx, primary fx line is lateral separating the lateral column from the central column
Ruedi and Allgower type 3
Pilon fx, fx with comminution, displacement and impaction
Berndt and Hardy type 2
talar OCD, partially detached OCD
Talar body fracture classifications (2)
Sneppin, Fortins
What is the posterior lateral tubercle of the talus called? What is a fx of this called?
Steida’s process, shepards fx
Berndt and Hardy Type 4
talar OCD, Displaced
stewart type 4
5th met, intra-articular, comminuted tuberosity fx
Talar osteochondral defect (OCD) classification
Berndt and Hardy
Hawkins 1
talar neck fx, non displaced neck fx w/o subluxation, AVN 0-13%, conservative tx-NWB w/ BK cast x 6-8 wks
Torg type 2
5th met stress, delayed union- fx line involves both cortices, periosteal new bone and intramedullary sclerosis, radiolucency related to resportion
McCrory and Bladen Type B
Simple large fragment fx of lateral process of talus
Sneppin group 2
talar body fx, coronal, sagittal or horizontal shear fx involving entire talar body
Danis Weber type B
Fibular fx at the level of the ankle = supination-external rotation = pronation-abduction
Classification for 5th met stress fractures
Berndt and Hardy Type 3
talar OCD, fully detached OCD but remains in crater
Rowe 5
Joint depression of comminution-calc
Torg type 3
5th met stress fx, non-union- wide fx line, obliteration of medullary canal by sclerotic bone at fx site
Sanders type 3AB
2 fx lines separating the posterior facet into lateral, central and medial columns
Sanders type 2b
2 part fx, primary fx line is central separating central column from medial column
intra-articular calc
Rowe Classification
extra-articular calcaneal fx
Sanders Type 4
4 part fx, highly comminuted, joint depression, 3 fx lines which separate all of the columns of the posterior facet and sustentaculum
Sanders Type 1
All non-displaced intra-articular fx are type 1 irrespective of number of fx lines
Torg type 1
5th met stress, early union- acute fx line with sharp edges, minimal periosteal reaction= jones fx
Stewart type 3
5th met, extra-articular tuberosity fx
What is the Hawkins sign?
radiolucency in the talar dome typically seen 6 wks to 3 months post injury, is a good indicator that there is not AVN
Lauge-Hanson pronation-external rotation
Stage 1: Rupture of deltoid ligament +/or transverse fx of medial malleolus
Stage 2: Disruption of AITFL +/or rupture of IO membrane
Stage 3: Fibular fx proximal to syndesmosis-pathomneumonic
Stage 4: Disruption of PITFL
Lauge Hanson Supination-external rotation
Stage 1: disruption of AITFL
Stage 2: Spiral fx of fibula at ankle joint-pathomneumonic
Stage 3: Disruption of PITFL
Stage 4: rupture of deltoid ligament, transverse fx of medial malleolus
Fortins type 3
talar body fx, compression and impaction fx of talar body
Hawkins 4
talar neck fx, displaced vertical talar fx with subluxation/ dislocation of STJ, ankle and talonavicular, AVN >91%
Ruedi and Allgower type 1
pilon fx, fx without displacement
Rowe 2a
Beak fx of calcaneal tuberosity-superior portion of tuberosity
Sanders classification
intra-articular CT classification of calc fx
Hawkins 2
talar neck fx, Displaced vertical neck fx w/ STJ subluxation, AVN 20-50%, tx w/ ORIF
Sanders type 2c
2 part fx, primary fx line is medial separating the medial column from the sustentaculam column
Sneppin group 4
talar body fx, laterall process fx= snowborder’s fx
Sneppin group 1
talar body fx, transchondral or compression fx of talar dome
Rowe 1c
Fx of anterior process of calc-most common type 1 fx
Stewart Type 2
5th met, Intra-articular tuberosity fx without comminution
Rowe 1b
Fx of sustentaculum tali
Stewart Classification Type 1
fx at metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction-classic Jones Fx
stewart type 5
5th met, fx of epiphysis
Hawkins 3
talar neck fx, displaced vertical fx with STJ and ankle joint dislocation, talar body tethered around deltoid ligament, AVN 83-100%, tx with ORIF and NWB
Rowe 2b
Avulsion fx of calc tuberosity-involves achilles
Hawkins (lat tubercle) type 3
Chip fx of anteroinferior lateral process
Sneppin group 3
talar body fx, posterior tubercle fx
Sanders type 3AC
2 fx lines separating posterior facet into lateral, central/medial and sustentacular column
Sanders type 2
2 part fx of the posterior facet
Hawkins (lat tubercle) type 2
Comminuted fx
What is a fracture of the posterior medial tubercle of the talus called?
Cedell fx
McCrory and Bladen Type C
Comminuted fx of lateral process of talus
Rowe 4
Body fx calc involving STJ
Sanders type 3
3 part fx of posterior facet of calc, features a centrally depressed fragment
Classification for talar neck fx
Essex-Lopresti joint depression type fx
Shear fx dividing calcaneus into 2 parts-the sustentaculum fragment and tuberosity fragment. The lateral portion of the postioer facet is isolated and impacted into body. LATERAL WALL BLOWOUT. Decrease in height and width of calcaneus
Danis Weber type C
Fibular fx above level of ankle = pronation-external rotation
Hawkins (lat tubercle) type 1
Simple 2 part fx