FWOP Flashcards
general information
when is minimum fuel declared?
when the estimated usable fuel at the point of landing will be 200lbs or less
when will emergency fuel be declared?
when the estimated fuel at the point of landing will be 120 lbs or less
what is the minimum runway length for duel operations?
4,000 feet for a pressure altitude up to 5,000 ft
what is the minimum runway length for solo operations?
5,000 ft
if the runway is above 3,500 PA, what is the minimum runway length?
whatever the takeoff/told data says or 5,000 ft, whichever is larger
all maneuvers must be recovered by what altitude?
6,000 ft AGL
all spins and OCF must be recovered by what altitude?
10,000 ft MSL
Solos are prohibited from practicing what?
emergencies and emergency landing patterns
are you allowed to take pictures while you fly?
No unless you have approval from the wing commander. If you are authorized, a NATOPS qualified pilot has to be at the controls while you take pictures
unless an emergency exists, what airfields are unauthorized?
atmore camden chatom dauphin island foley peter prince
are breaks authorized in uncontrolled field?
only if there are no civilian aircraft operating in the area and you must state your intentions over the CTAF. Be sure to use your TCAS and visual scans to make sure that you do not see any other aircraft
are you allowed to practice precautionary emergency landings at uncontrolled fields?
yes, but note that civilians may not know the procedure for a PEL, therefore you have to make your calls more descriptive
on a solo flight, what are the wind limitations?
10kts crosswind component
no tailwind component
what are the flap settings allowed on a solo flight?
solos are restricted to full flap or takeoff flap settings unless there is an emergency/flap malfunction that requires a no flap landing
no aircraft may operate with surface winds greater than how much unless approved by CTW-5? Why?
25 kts because there is an increased risk of injury or death during the parachute landing fall if you were to eject
What is required for OCF and aerobatic maneuvers?
it must be conducted under day VMC conditions, with a visible horizon. Although OCF (spins too) may be conducted over an undercast cloud as long as it does not exceed 4,500’ AGL
Can aircraft operate under a sigmet at night?
can aircraft operate under a SIGMET during the day?
no, unless the flight can be safely conducted and the weather is hatched out by a qualified forecaster, VMC can be maintained and significant cells avoided, and the pilot feels safe doing so
what are the student solo weather minimums for contacts?
Only VFR departures and 5,000 ft
what are the student solo weather minimums for formation flights?
3,000 ft and VFR departure only
All student solo sorties shall be on deck by what time?
30 minutes prior to sunset
If an aircraft is operating under VFR, but cannot maintain VMC conditions, what must the pilot do?
the aircraft is now under distress. the aircraft will fly above maximum elevation figure, squawk 7700, and contact ATC on guard
are you allowed to place items on the canopy transparencies?
no, in order to reduce the amount of scratches on the transparency
All simulated emergencies must be prefaced with what word?
You are not allowed to depart KNSE with what kind of tires?
you are not allowed to depart with two tire cords exposed on the main gear, or any visible red cords
If you are at KNSE and you drop the ejection pin, what should you do?
-inform the other crew member immediately
-remain strapped in and minimize movements
notify maintenance on UHF 257.50 or through ground
-taxi to the parking line and avoid parking under a canopy
-shut down the engine
-wait for maintenance to come in with an auxiliary seat pin before opening the canopy
-open the canopy just enough to take the pin from maintenance
-close canopy and insert the pin
If you are not in KNSE and drop the ejection seat pin, what do you do?
- inform other crew member immediately
- remain strapped in and minimize movement
- taxi to remote parking area
- shut down the engine
- once the unnaffected crew member seat is pinned, they may open the aircraft and exit the canopy
- the pin may be then taken out and given to the affected crew member
- the pin will then get placed in and the affected crewmember will take the seat pin from the ground to properly pin both seats and resume operations
Are you allowed to do a rolling takeoff?
no, it can only be done by an IP or instructor under training
If you are inspecting the aircraft and notice that there are things falling off aircraft (TFOA), what do you do?
notify maintenance control and the CNATRA detachment maintenance officer immediately
If you suspect a bird strike, what do you do?
the flight shall be terminated and a landing determination shall be made according to NATOPS criteria for the amount of suspected damage. Then tell squadron FDO after landing
If you see animals or birds that pose a hazard to home field operations, what should you do?
report to the NASWF ODO x 7597 as soon as possible
What is the TW-5 rule governing the use of hearing protection?
personnel are required to use hearing protection while on the flight line
What is the TW-5 rule governing the use of cell phone and tablets devices on the flight line?
You shall not use cell phones/tablet on the flight line. The IPs and IUTs may
If there is a loss of cockpit pressurization, what shall you do?
start an immediate descent to a cockpit altitude at or below 10,000’ MSL
-then you shall contact the flight surgeon
What is the North whiting field elevation?
199’ MSL
what are the runways at whiting field?
05, 14, 23, 32
What is the length of the runways at whiting field?
6,002 ft
What is the width of the runways at whiting field?
What is the gradient of the runways at whiting field?
nothing for 05/23, but here is a .7% gradient going down runway 14
what color are the taxiway lights?
Who adjust airfield lighting intensity at whiting field?
tower, but it can be adjust through request by the pilot
west line parking areas in whiting field are labeled what?
“A” through “D”
North line parking areas are labeled what?
“F” through “H”
Where is the primary run-up?
southeast side of closed runway 09/27 and it shall be entered through the hub
In what direction will you face at the primary run-up?
050 and in case of overflow, traffic will taxi to the north side of the primary run-up and park at a heading of 230
How will the primary run up be filled?
for runway 23 and 32, it will be filled east to west.
for runway 14, it will be filled west to east
what is the alternate run-up used for?
runway 5
How do you taxi to the alternate run-up?
through the hub and you will enter behind the I and J parking areas. 3-5 spots shall be left open to allow aircrafts to enter from Taxiway A
When taxiing to the primary or alternate run-up, what shall you not do?
taxi behind aircraft conducting a run-up
where are wind socks located in whiting field?
on the approach end of the runway
how do you interpret a wind sock?
limp sock: 5 kts or less
sock at 45 degrees: 10 kts
sock straight out: 15 kts or more
what kind of airspace is whiting field?
class C airspace
what are the dimensions of class C airspace?
surface to 4,200’ MSL with 5 NM radius and the outer ring from 5NM-10NM from 1,400’ MSL to 4,200’ MSL
What happens when the whiting field class C airspace closes down?
it will revert to class E airspace up to 900’ MSL
What are you not allowed to do when the airfield is closed?
perform landing patterns, breaks, visual straight in approaches and low approaches
If you want to practice a PEL at whiting field, what shall you do?
make a request with tower before leaving the parking area, and they will notify you that they have the request.
Monitor the tower frequency that you have been cleared to practice a PEL with them. If they have not cleared you prior to the hold-short-line, ask them
If practicing a PEL at whiting field, you must turn no earlier than what?
normal for departures
Successive full stop traffic must have what distance between the two aircraft (minimum) at whiting field?
1,500 ft from the runway threshold
Successive touch and go traffic must have what distance between the two aircraft (minimum) at whiting field?
1,500 ft from the runway threshold
full stop behind touch and go traffic must have what distance between the two aircraft (minimum) at whiting field?
1,500 ft from the runway threshold and the preceding aircraft is airborne
touch and go traffic behind a full stop aircraft must have what distance between the two aircraft (minimum) at whiting field?
4,500 ft from the runway threshold
any operation at whiting field must have what?
two way radio communication
What must you request to pass langley road?
“southfield penetration”
when do you not need to have clearance for southfield penetration, if passing langley road, at whiting field?
when you are on the approach turn to final for runway 32
When passing langley road, what SHALL you avoid?
going any further south than the trees that line that parallels the north side of runway 05/32, to maintain proper traffic separation from KNDZ
During what hours are practice instrument approaches discouraged at KNSE?
0900 to 1500 local time
when conducting ground operations, when should a ground power unit be used?
whenever possible
when conducting ground procedures, what is required for a start?
a lineman
what is the whiting field ATIS?
Channel 1
What is the whiting field clearance delivery?
channel 2
what is the whiting field ground control?
channel 3
if you are departing VFR and you did not file a stereo route, what kind of clearance will you use?
VFR to the (working area)
All request for PPEL, aborted takeoff, or ALDIS lamp signals must be cleared through who?
North tower
When leaving from parking areas A-C, how do you leave?
you will turn right of the parking spots
when leaving parking area D, what do you do?
turn left and taxi in front of row D, then turn left and proceed through the first available rows (A-C) to the hub
how do you leave from rows F-H at whiting field?
turn right unless cleared to back taxi
At whiting field, how do you get out of rows I-J?
turn south if going to the alternate run-up or turn north if going to the primary run-up
when taxiing, what kind of traffic has the right of way?
outbound traffic
When taxiing and you see deep standing water, what should you do?
avoid it at all cost because it may strike the prop, advise ground of your intentions to avoid it
When taxiing, how should you taxi?
in a single file line with a minimum of one aircraft nose-to-tail separation. This is different for formation flights
when taxiing in the hub, are you required to taxi on the yellow lines?
No during daylight hours because it is usually a congested area
are you allowed to pass other aircraft when taxiing?
Not unless you have clearance from north ground or tower
how fast can you taxi in the line area?
no faster than a person can walk (do not exceed 7 kts)
how fast can you taxi outside the line area?
no faster than a person can run (do not exceed 12 kts)
what is the line area?
an area where multiple aircraft are parked on the ramp, but it does not include the west of the D parking line (in front) or north of H parking line
what distance do you have to maintain when taxiing near a refueling truck?
you have to keep at least a 50 ft distance
what is the tower frequency?
channel 4
when do you use the word “takeoff” during a radio call?
only as acknowledgement of a takeoff clearance
If you were #2 for departure, and then became #1, do you have to make a second call to tower?
what must all solos do when calling for departure clearance?
come to a complete stop prior to calling
Can you conduct normal landing pattern practice at whiting field?
Not unless approved by tower, whiting field is primarily used for departure and arrivals
How do you practice an aborted take-off at whiting field?
you must request permission from ground during the initial taxi request or after clearing the runway from a full stop landing from tower:
“North tower, (call sign) practice abort”
then you can exit mid-field
When do you turn to the climb out heading when departing whiting field?
when over the upwind numbers
what is the climb out heading for runway 05/14?
what is the climb out heading fro runway 23/32?
what altitude do you level off at when departing whiting field?
700-800’ MSL and accelerate until visually clear of the pattern
when departing what airspeed shall you not exceed?
200 KIAS
when going to area 1, when do you cut radar ties?
point ENSLY 24 DME
when going to the fox area, when do you cut radar ties?
HWY 29
17 DME
When going to the Pelican, when do you cut radar ties?
12 DME
When going to the South, then do you cut radar ties?
10 DME
what do you do if your aircraft can no longer maintain VMC?
obtain an instrument clearance or return to the appropriate NOLF
Solos must remain in VMC
If a weather deviation is required when coming home from course rules for area 1, what are the regulations?
you may descend no lower than 2,200’ MSL prior to joining course rules and 1,700’ MSL after Molino (triangle of trees)
If a weather deviation is required when coming home from course rules for the north, what are the regulations?
descend to 2,700’ MSL approaching conecuh Bridge and 2,200’ MSL approaching the T intersection
What is the minimum altitude for all course rules arrival routes, with ATC coordination, in order to maintain VMC?
1,700’ MSL
What do you do if ATC experiences loss of radar coverage?
continue VFR operations and if you are arriving, monitor channel 6 while on course rules
Make all position reports and turns
Pilot will switch to tower when at point waldo or easy
How must special requests be conducted for things such as PELs, at whiting field?
a special request must be put in at the initial check in call with pensacola approach