Futur Smple Flashcards
I will go
You (sing) will go
Tu iras
He will go
Il ira
We will go
Nous irons
You (pl.) will go
Vous irez
They will go
Ils iront
I will be
Je serai
You (sing.) will be
Tu seras
He will be
Il sera
We will be
Nous serons
You (pl.) will be
Vous serez
They will be
Ils seront
I will have
You (sing.) will have
Tu auras
He will have
Il aura
We will have
Nous aurons
You (pl.) will have
Vous aurez
They will have
Ills auront
You (sing.) will make
Tu feras
I will make
Je ferai
He will make
Il fera
We will make
Nous ferons
You (pl.) will make
Vous ferez
They will make
Ils feront
I will say
Je dirai
You (pl.) will say
Vous direz
We will say
Nous dirons
He must
Il faudra
He will be able to
Il pourra
I will know
Je saurai
We will want
Nous voudrons
They will see
Ils verrons
He will take
Il prendra
You (sing.) will place
Tu mettras
You (pl.) will hold
Vous tiendrez
I will hold
Je tiendrai
He will come
Il viendra
I will eat
Je mangerai