Further Quantum Flashcards
Define a wave function that doesn’t distinguish between particles

Define Qλψ(r1,…,rn)

Prove that Qλ satisfies ψ(r1,…,rn) = λ(π)ψ(rπ(1),…,rπ(n)) ∀π∈Sn, and is a projection

What is a boson?
When λ(π)=1, spin is integral

Choosing a basis of N separable wave functions, describing n bosons, how many states are there? Prove it

What is a Fermion?
When λ(π) = ε(π), spin is not integral

What is the Pauli Exclusion Principle?
That no 2 Fermions can simultaneously occupy the same state. Proof as otherwise Qλψ = 0

Choosing a basis of N separable wave functions describing n Fermions, how many states are there? Prove it

What is the Schrödinger Picture?

What is the Heisenberg Picture?

What is the Interaction Picture?

Prove that the expectation is the same in all quantum pictures

By what equations is the time evolution of wave functions and observables governed in the Interaction Picture? Prove it

Use an equation governing time evolution in the interaction picture to set up an expansion for ψt

What is the Feynman-Dyson Expansion? Prove it

What is Fermi’s Golden Rule? Prove it

Set up Rayleigh-Schrödinger Perturbation Theory

If φ1,…,φD form an orthonormal basis with H0φr = E0φr and ψ0 = Σcrφr, then what? Prove it

What is the k’th order correction to the energy, E(k)? Prove it

Prove: <ψu|H’ψv> = (Eu-Ev)/(u-v)

Expand (Eu-Ev)/(u-v)

If ψα, α=0,1,… is an orthonormal basis such that H0ψα = Eαψ0 and Eα ≠ E0 for α≠0, then what is ψ’ and E’’? Prove it

Define the Rayleigh Quotient

For a subset K of the Hilbert Space of wave functions, what is the result behind Variational methods? Prove it
d/du(fH(ψ+uφ))|u=0 = 0 ∀φ∈K if and only if <φ|H-fH(ψ)|ψ> = 0 ∀φ∈K ie: Critical value of fH(φ) is an eigenvalue with the critical point being the eigenvector