Funny Questions to Ask People Flashcards
Are you
Can you describe
the craziest person you’ve ever met?
Can you touch
your nose with your tongue?
Do you pick
your nose?
Have you ever eaten
food on the ground?
Have you ever farted
in a yoga class?
Have you ever tried to look
cool in front of someone and failed?
Have you ever tripped or
fallen in front of a vast crowd?
Have you ever waved at someone thinking you know them
only to realize they are the wrong person?
How do you want to
How many animal sounds
can you make?
How would you describe your face
if you could only use vegetables for reference?
If you could be any comedian or celebrity
who would you be?
If you could charge a million dollars for a service
what would it be?
If you could do karaoke with any famous person for a day
who would it be?
If you could have one useless superpower
what would it be?
If you could live anywhere in the world but had to stay naked all the time
where would you choose?
If you could make a TV show about your best friend’s life
what would you call it?
If you got banned from the library
what would be the reason behind it?
If you had to change your name
what would you change it to?
If you had to choose between your eyebrows or eyelashes
which would you keep?
If you had to wear a swimsuit or a business suit for the rest of your life
which one would you choose?
If you publicly trip and fall
do you laugh it off or just keep walking?
Is it weird for an adult to
sleep with a stuffed animal?
What conspiracy theory do you
think might be true?
What is a song you pretend you
don’t like because it’s embarrassing that you love it?
What is something that everyone
looks stupid doing?
What is something trendy now
that people will be embarrassed about in 5 years?
What is the funniest Halloween
costume you’ve ever seen?
What is the funniest nickname
that somebody has given you?
What is the goofiest or weirdest
thing you did as a kid?
What is the most annoying song
you’ve ever heard?
What is the most awkward question
someone has ever asked you?
What is the most embarrassing
thing you’ve ever said on a date?
What is the most ridiculous
outfit you’ve ever worn?
What is the most useless
talent you have?
What is the strangest
purchase you’ve ever made?
What is your favorite
What is your most
obnoxious laugh?
What one normal thing becomes weird
if you do it more than once?
What was the last thing you
searched on Google?
What would be the worst bio
for a dating app?
What would people call the
sitcom of our friendship?
What would you do with
15 minutes of fame?
What’s a rule that you make
everyone follow in your house?
What’s the best Wi-Fi network
name you’ve seen?
What’s the craziest thing
you’ve ever done on a night out?
What’s the easiest way to
make you laugh?
What’s the most awkward
first date you’ve ever been on?
What’s the most ridiculous
lie someone has ever told you to your face?
What’s the silliest way
you’ve accidentally injured yourself?
What’s the strangest thing
you’ve seen someone do in public?
What’s your dumbest
dance move?
What’s your favorite
corny joke?
When was the last time you
had a big fail moment?
Where is the worst smelling
place you’ve ever been?
Which fairy tales do you
find the most outrageous?
Which sport would be funniest
if it had mandatory alcohol?