funeral directing Flashcards
rate of occurrence of accidents
accident frequency
event that is caused by the forces of nature
act of god
person trained in mathematics whose job is to apply the theory of probability to the business of insurance and to advise in situations involving questions of probability
increased expense of providing a home due to damage to the property insured
additional living expense
usually one who represents the insurer in settling claims with insureds or with third party claimants. sometimes a rep of the insured
the process of determining the amount payable or service to be rendered by one or more insurers to an insured or other claimant under an insurance contract, and the rights and obligations incident thereto
governmental agencies designated in the Older Americans Act of the US Congress
agencies on aging/local, area or state
insurance that covers loss caused by ALL perils except those specifically excluded in the contract
“all-risk” insurance
system of selling insurance through agents compensated by commissions , the agents having the sole right to solicit insureds on expiration of their policies
American agency system
determination of the value of property, or o the extent of damage, usually by impartial experts
person publicly unassailable outside the private office oft he boss, this person is frequently nepotic
Assistant To ( Executive Secretery)
a dangerous place of instrumentality attractive to children, the owner of which has the legal duty of taking unusual care to guard them from it
Attractive Nuisance
an authorizing agent is a person legally entitled to authorize the cremation of human remains
authorizing agent
one to whom odds are delivered to be held in trust in accordance with a contract, express or implied
term for the person in the firm who eats people and ideas
arrangement of flowers either in metal, plastic or wicker baskets
amounts to be paid by the insurer under an insurance contract
exalted ruler- this lodge led by the Worthy President and the Worthy Chaplain offer a service which is suitable for either use a t the funeral or as part of the committal service
benevolent and protective order of elks
temp insurance contract pending execution of the policy contract. Except for specific difference, the terms of the binder are by implication those of the contract which is intended to replace it
jewish organization offers a memorial service which is often conducted prior to regular funeral service.
b’nai b’rith
also known as trustees as well as other terms too numerous to mention
board of directors
financial planning vehicles. what will happen, based on what has happened. adjusted by changes in the firms accent and direction
concrete, metal or fiber glass container into which a casket is placed for burial. the purpose is to protect the casket from the weight of the earth
burial vault
person who oversees all divisions except one. this is always true.
transfer of more than 50% of the stock or assets of a crematory authority
change of ownership
building or designated area of a building in which services are conducted
services to provide minor home repairs, seasonal maintenance, or routine tasks that are beyond the physical capacity of th occupant.
chore services
any container in which cremated remains can be placed and closed in a manner so as to prevent leakage or spillage of remains or the entrance of foreign material
closed container
arrangement under which the insured shares in losses int he proportion that his insurance is less than a specific percentage of value of the property insured
crypts side by side for companion burial
companion aka companion couch
concrete container for the casket that is designed to protect the casket from weight of the earth, but offers no protection against the entrance of moisture
concrete box aka liner
loss not directly caused by a peril insured against but arising indirectly
consequential loss
an individual usually designated by a court to manage the financial assets of an incapacitated person. generally used as a limited form of guardian, a protector, custodian
the instrument of appointment of a person to protect, manage or conserve the assets of one who is incapacitated
in charge of day to day operations. can’ afford to ignore any division. general is the organizations glue
funeral procession
extent of insurance afforded under an insurance contract. often used to mean insurance or insurance contract
enclosed space within which the cremation process takes place
cremation chamber
the container in which the human remains are transported to the crematory and placed int the cremation chamber for a cremation
cremation container
a rigid outer container that subject to a cemetery rules and regulations is composed of concrete, steel, fiberglass
cremation interment conatiner/ urn vault
legal entity or the authorized rep of the legal entity that is licensed by the state to operate a crematory and perform cremation
crematory authority
breaking of the law
criminal act’
knowledge that one is performing an unlawful act
criminal intent
American system of crumble justice
criminal justice system
an offense to be tried in a criminal rather than a civil court
criminal offence
clause in an insurance contract providing that the insurer will pay only that amt of any loss that is in excess of a specified amount
deductible clause
this is a certificate issued to all new property owners after the contract has been paid in full
deed/certificate of ownership
the ability to. one who does this has confidence
letting others perform tasks that should to occupy the top manager
delegation of authority
means registration of a birth at or after age 7
delayed birht registration
state agency that administers this law
non-existent in smaller firms
department heads
term refers to two persons interred in one space
double depth burial
these are small bronze plaques
an amendment in writing added to and made a part of the insurance contract
incorrect moves performed by subordinates.
consecrated elements of holy communion
provision in an insurace contract stating situation in which,perils against which, or persons or things upon which, insurance is not afforded under the contract
dumping ground for any issue that needs attention but is perplexing management
executive committee
in the context of abuse, to make illicit
state of being exposed to loss
means death prior to the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother
fetal death
designating or of a person who holds something in trust for another
means the presentation of a certificate, report, or other record provided for in this sub-title of a birth, death …
a cluase in an automobile liability insurance contract subjecting the contract to the requirements of any financial responsibility law and requiring the insured to reimburse eh insurer for disbursements it would not be required to make except for this clause
financial responsibility clause
agent that produces heat and a flame or glow
a fire which is not outside the place intended to be
fire friendly
fire outside the place where it was intended to be
fire hostile
insurance contract that covers property in any location within a specified territory
floater policy
person known by the title of funeral director
fuenral director
same as sa mausoleum with the only difference being that the crypts are outside
garden mausoleum
period following the premium due date during which payment of the premium may be made without penalty or suspension of coverage
grace period
great panachida
a person or agency usually appointed by the court who is given authority to control manage and protect a person…..
a special guardian appointed by the court to represent the interests of an individual declared to be incompetent, who is a party to a suit or certain litigation
guardian ad litem
if the court finds that the proposed ward is incompetent in only certain aspects of life
guardian, limited
a guardian appointed by the court who is deemed to be an officer of the court
guardian public
a person or agency designated by the court to exercise control over rat person and sees of an individual determined to be incompetent to do so.
guardian, plenary
nursing, medication, nutrition, hygienic or other person services provided to frail or invalid persons
health care home
and area within or adjacent to the crematory facility designated for the retention of human remains prior to cremation that……
holding facility
water blessed by priest
holy water
nominal compensation or recognition for service performed
honorarium, honoraria, honorariums
synonymous with incapacitated, most commonly cased by medical conditions…..
a clause in a contract proving that the insurer may not, after specified time from inception of the contract, contest the validity o the contract
incontestable clause
to make good a loss
replacement, repair or payment of value of a loss
this order has no national guidelines regarding the various aspects of the funeral. the noble grand is the executive office of the order,r and would be the person to contact to arrange for participation in a funeral service
independent order of odd fellows
latin term meaning “in the place of parents’
in loco parentis
the name and date of birth and death of the decesed
a pooling of hazards in order to indemnify those who experience losses….
a persons acting in behalf or in the interests of another upon request, or upon perceiving a need and governed by established criteria and accountability
means any establishment, public or private, which provides in-patient medical surgical…..
bury in the ground
the act of placing dead human body in ground
see Yarmulke
lodge has a service which can be used either following the regal funeral service or held at the grave. presiding officer of the lodge will stand at the head of the casket and the chaplain will stand centered behind the casket
knights of the golden eagel
led by the chancellor commander, this lodge has both a feral service and a graveside service.
Knights of Pythias
term applied to spaces designed in which the casket is placed at the time of interment. usually double depth……
lawn crypts
an attorney, legal consultant, or group of individuals who usually are unable to represent themselves in matters of a legal nature
legal advocate
you can put property into a living trust while you are still alive
living trust
legally binding document that dictates one’s wish not to be kept alive…..
living will
see narthex
injury or damage sustained by the insured. the amount for which the insurer becomes liable on occurrence of the even insured againt
lodge has both a funeral service and committal service available. during the services the officiating officers led by the commander will stand at the head of the casket
bedside prayer
see mosque
mass card
aka =spiritual bouquet
memorial folder
aka service folder
organization has both a service to be conducted a s part of the funeral and a service to be conducted a the graveside. The Master of Ceremonies will assist the funeral director in arranging and conducting the services
Modern Woodmen of
aka Muhammad
a clause in an insurance contract making the proceeds payable to named mortgagee, as his interest may appear, and stating the terms of the contract between the insurer and the mortgagee
mortgagee clause
aka muslim
local church building contains no icons, statues, symbols, pews, chairs, or instruments
mosque (masjid)
entryway into church
narthex aka lobby aka vestibule aka foyer
a coined expression, meaning “family member”
the act of being nepotic. to employ the kin in the business
buddhists believe that the soul joins and becomes a buddha in Nirvhanam, the pure land
Nirvhana aka Pure land
a free standing building or set aside space in a larger structure for the provision of low cost or free nutritious meals for the eldery
nutrition site
this organization offers a service which may be conducted at the home, the funeral home, the church or the cemetery
Order of De Molay
This organization is composed of the female relatives of Masons who hold a Master Mason degree or higher
Order of Eastern STar
this is a charge to all new property owners for the recording, processing and ending of property.
origination fee
a legal principle meaning that the state or government can act to determine what is in the best interests of an individual
parens patriae
cause of possible loss
means a person authorized or license to practice medicine
time set as a the starting point of a funeral home visitation
placement time
particular location or portion thereof as defined by the policy insurance
amount charged for insurance
any of the casket containers defined above
this order, led by the Noble Grand, will provide a service at the home, the funeral home, the church or the cemetery. If the service is to be held a the cemetery it will follow the officiating minister. At that point the members will position themselves around the casket with the Noble Grand a the head of the casket. Each member will place a flower on the casket a t ht conclusion of their service
the acceptance of the secretary and the incorporation in its official records of certificates……
burning chamber in a crematory
the subject of insurance, whether a person or thing. chance of loss
unlawful taking of property by violence, force, or intimidation
led by the Oracle, who will stand a tt he hear dog the grave, during the committal service, this Orders ritual is very loosely structured. Their service does to replace the final rites held a the committal service
Royal Neighbors of America
property taken over by the insurer on payment of loss. In maritime law, the award to persons who voluntarily render services to maritime property in peril, with resulting benefit thereto
designated area for the scattering of cremated remains usually in a cemetery and located on dedicated cemetery property…….
scattering area
an insurance policy that covers , under separate insuring agreements, several enumerated causes of loss
schedule policy
means the secretary of health and mental hygiene for the purposes of these regulation
incorrect moves performed by the boss
a seller is a person or firm who contracts to have available funeral services and or merchandise.
physcial or psychological abuse of a spouse…….advanced in age
spouse abuse (late-onset) vs. longstanding
A contract form in general use by insurers, adopted by a group o insurers, approved by a state insurance department of prescribed by statute
standard form
rooms in the funeral home used specifically for visitation
work at the direction of the department heads…. get the job done
crypts placed end to end
corporation or individual guaranteeing performance or faithfulness under a bond
organization has both service designed to be conducted at the grave site as well as sa funeral service which can be conducted as part of the funeral service. Pieces of EVERGREEN placed on casket
national grange
A person whose duty it is to select risks for insurance e and to determine in what amounts and on what terms they will be accepted by an insurer. an insurer