Fundamentals Of Real Estate Law Flashcards
Adverse possession
Allows a person who uses another’s property to gain ownership when the use is actual, open, notorious,exclusive, hostile, continuos and long enough
The manner of attachment of personal property to real estate
Also applied by a city to grow by including adjacent land
Items of personal property, including autos, clothing, and movable furniture
Color of title
What appears to be a good title but is not
Community property
Property owned by husband and wife by joint effort during marriage is owned one-half each. Form of ownership recognized in several states, most of Spanish origin
Separate property
Property either owned separately before marriage or inherited during marriage
Condominium (Condo)
A form of ownership whereby a person owns a specific unit, can mortgage it, and has rights to use the common property jointly
Constructive notice
occurs when an instrument, such as a deed, is recorded in the county courthouse to give notice to the world of its existence
Cooperative (Co-op)
A form of ownership whereby a person owns stock in a corporation, receiving exclusive use of a specific unit and rights to use the common property jointly.
Co-op and condo owners must pay assessments
Property that is tangible (I.e. Can be seen or touched”
Refers to intangible property
A transfer of real estate by will or last testament
A transfer of personal property by will or last testament.
Dower rights
Gives the wife (or child) an interest in part of deceased husbands estate. A few states also recognize a husbands rights, called curtesy rights
The right to use property of another for a specific purpose.
Eminent domain
The right, or government, or an entity with governmental authority, to take private property for public use. The process is called condemnation, which requires payment of just compensation for the property taken
The gradual removal of land by nature
The sudden removal of land, as by hurricane.