Fundamentals of Probability Flashcards
Three steps to generate a statistical model
(1) What is the data-generating process (DGP)?
(2) Build an appropriate probability model that reflects the assumed DGP including
assumptions of how Y is distributed (i.e., stochastic component)
(3) Come-up with a parameterization of the stuff that gets estimated (i.e., systematic component) and theory of inference to derive statistical model
Data-generating process
This is the joint probability distribution that is supposed to characterize the entire population from which the data set has been drawn.
Stochastic Component
The assumption about the way Y is distributed, in the case of linear regression it is an assumption about the normal distribution
yi~N(yi|μi, σ^2)
Systematic Component
Parameterization of the stuff that gets estimated
Population regression function
yi=alpha+betax1+ui(error term), i=1,…,n
Sample regression function
yi_hat=(alpha_hat)+(beta_hat)xi, i=1,…,n
Repeatable procedure for making an observation
possible result of repeatable procedure for making observation
The sample space (Ω) of an experiment
Set of all possible outcomes
An event
Subset of the sample space, i.e., any set of outcomes
The probability of an event
it’s long-run relative frequency.
A ∪ B
Give the operation name, definition and interpretation
elements either in A or B or in both occur
either A or B or both
A ∩ B
Give the operation name, definition and interpretation
elements both in A and B
both A and B occur
Give the operation name, definition and interpretation
elements not in A
A does not occur
A ⊆ B
- If B contains A
: “when A occurs, so does B (but not
necessarily vice versa)”