Fundamentals of Music Theory: W2 Flashcards
circle of fifths: To get the number of sharps in a key. How do you move around?
Clockwise. Always move 5 notes up.
C G D A E B F# C#
circle of fifths: To get the number of flats in a key. How do you move around?
Counter-clockwise. Always move 2T and 1ST up.
C F Bb Eb Ab Db Gb
circle of fifths: How do you which notes are sharp?
Father Christmas Gave Dad An Electric Blanket
circle of fifths: How do you which notes are flats?
It’s the same as the sharps, but in reverse?
Blanket Explodes And Dad Gets Cold Feet
MT: what is an accidental?
When you use a sharp or flat note that is not available in a scale.
MT: When can you use accidentals?
When it sounds right. Whenever..
MT: on a stave, how long is an accidental valid?
As long as the bar.
MT: How can you determine the number of flats/sharps of a minor key?
Every minor key is a relative (natural) minor key to a major key. And it has the same sharps/flats.
MT: What is the natural minor?
A natural minor has exactly the same sharps/flats as the major is it relative to.
MT: Why are there different minor scales?
If we use a natural minor (e.g. Bminor) we could resolve to a B , but also to a D. Both sound right to our ears.
MT: What is the seventh note of a scale called?
A leading Note
MT: Wat is a harmonic minor scale? Why do we use it?
We raise the leading note (the 7th). When we do this, we have to resolve to the tonic of the minor. Unlike the natural minor, where we could also resolve to the tonic of the major it is relative to.
MT: What is the melodic minor scale? Why does it exists?N
Because when we have a harmonic minor scale. There is a big gap between the 6th and the raised 7th. (very hard for singers). So we smooth out this interval and create a melodic minor. Ascending we raise the 6th. But when we come down, our ears care less about the leading tone to tonic interval, because it is not ‘leading’ anymore to the tonic, it is just a seventh now. Therefore we revert the raised 6th and 7th back to the natural minor form.
MT: what is unison?
two notes without distance between them.
MT: When is an interval called perfect?
when the interval is the same in a major or a minor key.
MT: What are the perfect intervals?
MT: What are the interval types?
Perfect Major Minor Augmented Diminished
MT: When do we have augmented or diminished intervals?
Take an interval and flatten or raise it. This can be done on any type of interval.
MT: Why do we have different clefs?
Because we want to write down notes on different octaves and not use ledger lines all the time.
MT: How can you ‘join’ a bass and a treble clef?
Draw a line between the top 5 (treble) and bottom 5 (bass) lines. On this line we can draw an imaginary middle C.