Fundamentals of bacterology Flashcards
First bacterium shown to cause human disease
A. Mycobacterium
B. Staphylococcus
C. Bacillus anthracis
D. Rabies
What property of Archaea differentiates it from bacteria?
A. Lack of peptidoglycans
B. Live in soil
C. Have membrane-bound organelles
D. Lack a nucleus
A polymer of glycan and peptide in bacterial cell walls
A. Peptidoglycan
B. Diglucosamine
C. Glucosemanan
D. D-alanine
Characteristic of gram positive bacteria
A. Hydrophobic cell wall
B. Presence of outer membrane envelope
C. Thick peptidoglycan layer
D. Thin peptidoglycan layer
An integral component of the gram negative cell wall is the periplasm. If there was a defect in this periplasm, which of the following functions would most likely be disrupted?
A. The ability of siderophores to participate in iron uptake
B. The synthesis of lipoproteins thus decreasing the amount of peptidoglycan present
C. The production of lipopolysaccharide thus making the bacteria non-pathogenic
D. The ability to bind to vitamins, iron, and enzymes needed for bacterial nutrition
The gram stain procedure is used to identify the morphology and arrangement of bacteria. Which is correct?
A. Gram positive bacteria in an old culture may absorb the counterstain
B. If alcohol is skipped, gram negative bacteria will appear pink
C. Carbolfuchsin is most commonly used in gram staining
D. Crystal violet is a stable mordant that binds to the peptidoglycan in the cell wall
The direct sharing of plasmid from one bacterium to another
A. Transduction
B. Transfection
C. Conjugation
D. Transformation
The process of acquiring genes from plasmids or naked DNA picked up from the environment
A. Transduction
B. Transfection
C. Conjugation
D. Transformation
It is the process by which a bacteriophage relocates bacterial genetic material from one bacterium to another
A. Transduction
B. Transfection
C. Conjugation
D. Transformation
Many bacteria are able to survive with or without oxygen. What type of bacteria tolerate these conditions and are able to grow well in the presence of oxygen?
A. Facultative anaerobe
B. Obligate aerobe
C. Microaerophile
D. Aerotolerant anaerobe
The normal reproductive growth of bacteria is through binary fission. Which of the following is correct?
A. Binary fission is the sexual reproduction cycle of many bacteria
B. During binary fission, the bacterium undergoes mitosis
C. Binary fission does not provide an opportunity for genetic recombination
D. In binary fission, the cell elongates while the linear DNA replicates
Most bacterial capsules are made of polysaccharides. A bacterium containing polypeptide capsule
A. B. subtilis
B. B. anthracis
C. Listeria monocytogenes
D. Vibrio cholera
Preformed toxins are actively released by bacteria. What is the general type of toxins described?
A. Exotoxin
B. Endotoxin
C. Proteases
D. Emetic toxin
What is the negatively charged structure responsible for binding and regulating movement of cations into and out of the gram positive cell wall?
A. Lipoteichoic acid
B. Periplasm
C. Lipopolysaccharide
D. Porins
Nuclear region of bacteria
a. Nucleus
b. Mesosomes
c. Nucleoid
d. Nuclear membrane
What type of microorganism has only molecular oxygen as the final electron acceptor?
a. Obligate aerobe
b. Obligate anaerobe
c. Strictly anaerobe
d. Facultative anaerobe
Bacteria that grows as temperature as high as 500 C to 550 C
a. Psychotrophs
b. Thermotrophs
c. Thermophiles
d. Psychrophiles
Primary used stain for Gram stain
a. Crystal violet
b. Lugol’s iodine
c. Carbofuschin
d. Safranin
If the culture of Staphylococcus were prepared several days ago, what would be the appearance in Gram’s stain?
a. Purple
b. Light purple
c. Pink
d. Rainbow
What stage of growth is there slow loss of cells through death that is just balanced by the formation of new
through growth and division?
a. Decline
b. Lag
c. Maximal stationary
d. Exponential
Which layer of the endospores outer covering/coat is the germ cell layer?
a. Exosporium
b. Thick Cortex
c. Spore membrane
d. Inner core
Which statement best describes fimbriae?
a. Most Gram positive bacteria have a set of fimbriae
b. Also known as “common pili”
c. Larger than flagella
d. Facilitates transfer of genetic material
Which of the following is true about endotoxin?
a. Commonly referred to as lipopolysaccharide
b. Mostly produced by Gram positive bacteria
c. Staphylococcus aureus produces it
d. Are heat labile compared to heat stable exotoxins
Some bacteria have protein thread-like appendage called flagella. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Flagella is found exclusively in Gram negative bacteria.
b. The flagella is affixed to the bacteria by a basal body.
c. The flagella is composed of repeating polysaccharide units called flagellin.
d. The bacteria and its flagellin are seen in Gram stain.
One of the distinguishing features of prokaryotes is its ability to exhangegenetic information. Which of the
following aids the transfer?
a. Cell wall
b. Surface glycoprotein
c. Adherins
d. Plasmid
The process of passing the DNA (from) one bacterium to another in a bacteriophage and incorporated into the
recepient’s DNA is
a. Transduction
b. Conjugation
c. Transformation
d. Transcription
Which of the following regarding bacteria DNA is correct?
a. It contains histone proteins
b. It is only single-stranded
c. It is a single circular loop
d. Bacteria only has 4 chromosomes
Cluster of polar flagella
a. Amphitrichous
b. Monotrichous
c. Peritrichous
d. Lophotrichous
Bacterial cell wall are composed of peptidoglycan. What is the other name of this compound?
a. N-acetyl muramic acid
b. N-acetyl glucosamine
c. Murein mucopeptide
d. Mesodiaminopimetic acid
What is periplasm?
a. Area between outer and inner cell membranes in Gram positive bacteria
b. Area between outer and inner cell membranes in Gram negative bacteria
c. Area outside the cell membrane exposed to environmental conditions
d. Area within the plasma membrane
In the growth curve, which is associated with the lag phase?
a. Period of initial adjustment
b. Transitional period
c. Generation time
d. Period of no activity
Which of the following is absent in Gram positive bacterium?
a. Lipopolysaccharide
b. Phospholipid bilayer
c. Penicillin binding protein
The bacteria contain pores to alter the passage of nutrients into the cell. Where are the porins located?
a. Outer membrane of Gram negative bacteria
b. Thick peptidoglycan layer of Gram positive bacteria
c. Plasma membrane of bacterium
d. Nuclear area of bacterium
Which of the following is a unique characteristic of gram negative bacteria?
A. endotoxin
B. teichoic acid
C. muramic acid
D. peptidoglycan
What kind of bacteria can survive in an environment with oxygen but cannot grow?
A. Facultative Anaerobes
B. Obligate Anaerobe
C. Facultative Aerobes
D. Aerotolerant Anaerobes
Which are correct regarding bacterial chromosome
A. Made up of monosaccharide sequence that forms DNA
B. plasmids are extrachromosomal RNA that encode for antibody resistance
C. made of super coiled single-stranded DNA
D. there is only one bacterial chromosome in the the DNA
A gram positive bacteria showed positive for coagulate and catalase. Which bacteria is this?
A. Streptococcus pyogenes
B. Staphylococcus aureus
C. Staphylococcus viridans
D. E. Coli
Spirochetes are considered prokaryotic because
A. have cell membrane
B. have polarity
C. have both DNA and RNA in nucleus
D. have muramic acid in cell wall
Enzymes present against toxic effects of oxygen except:
A. superoxide dismutase
B. peroxidase.
C. coagulase
D. catalase
Which group of reagents & what order are used in Gram staining?
A. crystal violet, acid alcohol, iodine, safranin
B. crystal violet, iodine, 95% alcohol, safranin
C. crystal violet, iodine, 95% alcohol, carvolfuchin
D. crystal violet, safranin, 95% alcohol, iodine
The bacterial cell membrane is composed of phospholipid bilayer. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Cell membrane is composed of proteins and usually contains sterols.
B. Membrane has functions in synthetic, homeostatic, secretory, and ETC
C. Membrane is NOT functionally equivalent with eukaryotic cell organelle processes
D. Membranes of G+ and G- bacteria are different in composition, structure, and function.
Which of the following statement is true for Gram staining?
A. Can distinguish all bacteria
B. Staining properties of gram negative bacteria can be lost during Gram staining
C. Stain depends on cell wall integrity
D. Alcohol can dissolve crystal violet-iodine complex
A student forgot to apply iodine, in a staphylococcus specimen, what will be the result for a gram positive bacteria?
A. Blue
B. Pink
C. Colorless
Bacterial flagella can be described as
A. Cannot be stained
B. Exclusive to Gram negative bacteria
C. Superficially attached to the cell wall
D. Composed of a single type of protein subunit
Sulfur granules in wound are indicative of:
A. Candida albicans
B. Cryptococcus neoforans
C. Sporothrix schenckii
D. Actinomycetes isreelli
A lady ate a contaminated shellfish and was infected with Vibrio cholerae. What type of immunity did she acquire?
A. Artificial active acquired
B. Artificial passive acquired
C. Natural active acquired
D. Natural passive acquired
Pili is commonly found in
A. Gram positive
B. Gram negative
C. Both
D. Neither
The sequence of monosaccharides make up the prokaryotic DNA. T/F
Plasmids are RNA chromosomes that encode for antibiotic resistance. T/F
Antibacterial capsule is a major virulence characteristic of bacteria. T/F