Fundamentals IT Flashcards
Ceasar Cipher
An encryption that is subsituition cipher which requires you to shift letter a certain amount to decipher as letter were replaced by other letters to cipher the plaintext
Kerckhoff’s Principles
6 principles that should serve as the basis for all cryptographic systems.
Symmetric cryptography
uses a single key to both encrypt the plaintext and decrypt the ciphertext
Asymmetric cryptography
uses 2 keys, a public and a private key
Block Cipher
take predetermined number of bits like binary numbers which is a block and encrpts the block
Stream Cipher
encypts each bit of plaintext one bit at a time
ECC ( elliptic curve cyptography}
use short keys while maintaining a higher cyptography strength
a block cipher that use 56 bits, the lenght of the key determines the strength of the algorithm
3DES uses 3 round of DES
letting people or employees known that they will be held accountable for their actions if they step out of line dettering them from even trying to have bad intentions
The brewer and nash model
if you access (A) files you lose access to (B) files and vice versa
The Biba Model
those with high level access cannot have access to lower classification and those with lower classification cannot alter higher classification
Attribute Based Access Control
specific attributes of a person, resource, or environment have access
Mandatory Access control
the owner doesn’t get decide who has access, but a seperate group or individual has the authority to set who accesses
DAC (Discretionary access control)
the owner gets to decide who hass access and what level of access they have
a user’s token or key known as capability also could be like a badge to enter. The capability is that everyone can enter the same door but others have the capability to enter anytime while others only can enter on a specific timeframe
an attacker must hold some portion of a website control and place a invinsible layer on top of something a person might click which executes a command to do what the attacker wants like make purchases or steal info
Black Holes
large scale filtering which traffic is sent to filtered destinations which appear to have vanished into a black hole
FAR (False acceptance rate)
how often you accept a user who should be rejected
FRR (false rejection rate)
how often we reject a legitimate user
Mutual Authentication
authenitcation methos where both parties in a transaction authenticate each other
Entropy in passwords
classic strong contruction scheme of creating passwords 8 characters or longer which us symbols, numbers, charcters, lower and uppercase
Fabrication attack
generating fake information
Interception attack
affects confidentiality, take forms of unauthorized viewing, copying, eavesdropping, reading someone elses’ email
Modification attack
modifies or tampers with data of a file or other information
Interrupption attack
makes assets unusable or unavailable for a set period of time or permanent
Pakerian Hexad
uses CIA Triad model but also inludes 3 more models, possesion of control, autheniticity, and utility