Fundamentals & Insurance Flashcards
Uber Is A Drunk Person’s Immediate Motor Vehicle!
Understanding a Client’s Personal & Financial Circumstances
Identifying & Selecting Goals
Analyzing the Current Course of Action & Potential Alternatives
Developing the FP Recommendations
Presenting the FP Recommendations
Implementing the FP Recommendations
Monitoring Progress & Updating
Debts that are not discharged in Bankruptcy
Students and Government Loans
3 years of back taxes
Alimony and Child Support
Monies owed due to malicious acts, drunk driving, criminal fines and penalties & embezzlement
Assets that are exempt from creditors
Exempt property (homestead, life insurance, qualified plans)
Debts associated with negligence
Contributory Traditional & Roth IRAs (up to $1M indexed every 3 years- filings between 4/19 - 3/22 have $1.3628M)
Qualified Plans & Converted IRAs have unlimited exemption
Net Worth = ???
Assets - Liabilities = NW
Examples of Cash & Cash Equivalents
Cash, MM, CD < or = 12 months
Examples of Invested Assets
IRA, Brokerage acct, CD > 12 months
Examples of Personal Use Assets
Car, House, Jewelry, Furniture
Examples of Current & Long Term Liabilities
Current (Credit Card debt) Long Term (Mortgage, Auto Loan, Student Loan)
Emergency Fund = ???
Current Assets / Nondiscretionary Expenses
Current Ratio = ???
Current Assets / Current Liabilities
Consumer Debt
Payments should not exceed 20% of NET income
Housing Debt = ???
< or = 28% of GROSS income
Monthly Housing Costs (P+I+T+I) / Monthly Gross Income
Housing + All Other Recurring Debt = ???
< or = 36% of GROSS income
Monthly Housing Costs (P+I+T+I) + All Other Recurring Debt / Monthly Gross Income
Savings Ratio = ???
Annual Savings (Employee + Employer Contributions) / Annual Gross Income
ROI = ???
(Ending Investments - Beginning Investments - Savings - Gifts Received) / Average Invested Assets