Fundamentals Flashcards
What comprises a “bit”, “nimble”, “byte” and “word”?
A bit is either a binary “0” or “1”.
Nimble = 4 bits
Byte = 8 bits
Word = 16 bits
What are the forms of control structures?
Sequential blocks
Conditional blocks
Iterative blocks
Recursive blocks
Software Quality
Functional suitability: gets the right result
Performance Efficiency: gets there in a reasonable time using few resources
Compatibility: Friendy towards other software
Usability: Minimizes user frustration
Reliability: does not crash the computer or light things on fire
Security: cannot be misused by bad actors or unwise users
Maintainability: can be understood/updated by the next programemer (esp oneself)
Portability: can be moved or replaced easily
Computational thinking
the mental skills and practices for designing computations that get computers to do jobs for us and explaining and interpreting the world as a complex of information processes
Is not another programming language. A programmer describes roughly what they want to accomplish with each code section to complete the solution
Ascertainment bias
Thinking is shaped by prior expectation
Ex: stereotyping or gender bias
Overestimating probability of unusual events because of recent or memorable instances
Overestimating rare diseases by matching patients to ‘typical picture’ of that disease
“representative heuristic is insensitive to pretest probabilities”
Confirmation bias
Tendency to look for confirming evidence rather than disconfirming evidence to refute it
“cherry-picking” results from a large set of negative results
Diagnosis momentum
Things that are initially diagnostic considerations, as they are passed from clinician to clinician, become “stickier” and more certain
Failure to adjust probaiblity of a disease or outcome based on new information
Premature closure
Tendency to accept a diagnosis before it’s fully confirmed
Value-induced bias
Overestimate probability of an outcome based on value associated with that outcome
Defending against cognitive bias
Decrease reliance on memory (orderset for dx of rheum d/o)
Cognitive forcing strategies (CDS for clinical pathways)
Make task easier (display of complex info like trends and outliers)
Develop insight/awareness
consider alternatives
meta-cognition (“thinking about how you think”)
Specific training
Minimize time pressures
Establish accountability
Feedback about diagnostic errors
Expected utlity
function of value and also risk aversion, personal preferences/circumstances
Conditional probabilities
probability of X given Y
Sequential events
Chance tree or graph - model a decision using the sum of conditional probabilities
Decision tree conventions
Decisions node = square
Chance node = circle (each branch assigned a probability, all branches at a node must ad to 1
Outcome node = triangle (assigned a “value” - cost, utility, QALY, relative value; if life or death are the outcomes : life = 1, death = 0)
Rollback analysis
multiplying the conditional probabilities and comparing the expected value of each branch of a decision node
“What-if” or sensitivity analysis
Use a range of values to see how model changes