Fundamental Rights Flashcards
what are the learning objectives?
- Understand the evolution of fundamental rights protection in the EU
- Critically analyse whether the EU is a fundamental rights actor
- Understand when EU fundamental rights bind Member States
- Understand the relationship between the Charter of Fundamental Rights, general principles of law and the ECHR
- Understand the impact of the Charter on fundamental rights protection in the EU
what is meant by the 1st obj?
1st one – understand r,a,w why is it an evolution, u mayr meebr 1st lec how ti alls atrte. How many fr were there in treaty =0 . But this sic omplety diff tody. Treatietest we have a charter of fr in eu. This is kinda eu blog rights. U may if u read newspaper u would have ehard bout discussion do we need uk blog rights. In the eu we have charter of fr. Next one is
what is meant by the 2nd obj?
2nd point – critically annalus r.a.w explain that in sec, what that emans.
what is meant by the 3rd obj?
The 3rd understand when eu fundamental right bind that itn bit cos obvs in uk we ahev the hr act. So uk gov is bound by hr already hw , eu fundamenta rights can bind ms from certain cirucmstances aswell, and thay lo’s lo understands when that happen relates to that scenario.
what is meant by the 4th obj?
as said
what is meant by the 5th obj?
-understand impact charter – means charter putting eu binding force in 2009 and after 2009 how ahs iti impacted on fr protection from eu.
Part I: Evolution of EU fundamental rights
Part II: The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU
Part III: Fundamental rights-based judicial review
Relying on EU FR to challenge validity of EU measures
Relying on EU FR to challenge validity of MS measures
Part IV: The EU‘s accession to the ECHR
Art. 6(2) TEU and reasons for accession
CJEU, Opinion 2/13
what about this overview?
Again fundamental rights based judicial review, judicidal review is basically power of ct to assess the validity of an act of parliamant , of act of governemtn. Next week and can already see interesting bit we can clearly rely on eu fundamental rights ot challenge an eu measure if u have an eu measure for e.g if ur ryan air and if u think about eu flightcompensation regulation that basically forces ryan air to gi eu 600 euros in compo and overnight stay I Hilton if they chuck u out of dubai flight bc overbooked. That is when we look at this bc obv ryan air will challenege tha measure and we say this si way too much, this is disporptionate, 600 euros that too much, and 2nd part more controversial one. Spoke when ,looked at learning object how bind ms, again this one look at in 2nd lec next week. After this complex part we will think omg where taking me now , its easier again part 4 and we will speak about the eu excession to the eu convention of hr.
at the moment the eu itself is not part of the eu conven hr. but ti wants to join.a dn why that is and why ct said not possible we will look at end of enxt weeks lecture. What done is also itnegreated 2 exam style q’s into lec sldies. And 1 will be able toc over on lec and depending on tiem hopefully also cover over q in lec aswell. That will be lec next week.
EU fundamental rights (FR) in context -
EU fundamental rights (FR) in context -
- Fundamental rights as a limit on EU Law-making [Topic 3]
CJEU uses EU FR to review legality of EU legislation [= Part III of lecture]
EU fundamental rights (FR) in context -
what about fundamental right as limit of eu law making?
So lets start with intro
That basically means where do fundamental rights fit in? why are they relevant for me? U may remember the law making tuttoiral where picture like this, was that was internal market for tabacco, and was rtryign to describe the competence of the eu so lets say that’s th internal market and the eu obvs have competence to regulat in this area. Remember these 2 bpxes here that we ahd when we spoek about limtis of competence. 1 was prpriaonaly other was subsidairty as limits to alw maing power, 3rd one is fundamental rights, emans when eu makes alw. They have to repsect fundamental rights. That is different In the uk, remebr parl can dow hatevr wants to do atleasta ccording to otheodoz thery so that limit in uk doesn’t exist, eu it does.
EU fundamental rights (FR) in context -
what is point 2 on this slide?
2.Supremacy of EU law in action [Topic 4]
CJEU uses EU FR to review legality of MS measure [= Part III of lecture]. In case of conflict, EU FR prevail. Consequence: National court must disapply the incompatible MS measure.
EU fundamental rights (FR) in context -
what was meant by point 2?
The 2nd point of slide – supremacy eu law inaction, her u see fundamelntal e.g how it relates with supremacy of eu law. The ct of justice also uses fundamental rights to review the validity of ms measures. , so in that spceific case if ct holds, the ms measure ifnrignes eu fundamental rights than what happens, and that’s what supremacy tells u. supremacy tells u in that case bc eu fundamental right law is suprement, the national ct has to disapply the ms measure that breaches eu funfamental reights. So that is supremacy in action.
EU fundamental rights (FR) in context - what is point 3?
- Using EU fundamental rights to interpret EU legislation
what is meant by point 3?
3rd point
Is that fundamentsl rights used to interpret eu leg- that actually most common scenario if u read coj judgments, but also scenario wont do in lectures cos that requires u to go into eu driectiuves, and eu regulatiosn, so first 2 points more int ones that’s why we covered them
At botto slide see e.g of eu fr. – come and disccuss e.g later on In lecture.
EU fundamental rights (FR) in context - what is point 4?
Examples of EU FR: right to family life, property, equal treatment, etc.
what are the 3 themes to think about?
themes to think about
The EU as a human rights actor
To what extent are MS bound by EU fundamental rights?
What is the impact of the Charter on fundamental rights protection in the EU?
THEMES-what is meant by theme 1?
1- r.a.w – one of learning o and didn’t explain it the so what does it mena, it basically emans, what is the vision of eu in the 21st centurary with peach established in eu so that was the original diea for eu unio.we NEED Peace now we have peace so what eu for-scholardd say eu there to protect human rights. When rights infringed u can rely on eu – that’s vision of eu – think about what is Americas vision or what was vision of us for logn time, the promoter of democracy in the world, from the eu standpoint could argue whats vision of eu , maybe its promoter of hr or fundamentl right standrda, rthat is theme wnt u to think about and well come back tot hat theme quite often.
THEMES-what is meant by theme 2?
The 2nd one is to whate extent are ms bound by eu fundamental rights, that’s one of lo and we will cover that in next week lecture
THEMES- what is meant by theme 3?
3 what impact on charter r.a.w- again one of lo and cover this today when look at what does the charter do.
Part I: Evolution of EU fundamental rights (FR)- how it all began?
Part I: Evolution of EU fundamental rights (FR)(1) How it all began
Originally: No reference to FR in the Treaties
Why? The EEC in the 1950s was envisaged as an economic grouping, not a political one.
Yet, foundational claim:
Art. 2 TEU: “The Union is founded on […] respect for human rights”.
-Similarly AG Maduro: “the very existence of the European Union is predicated on respect for fundamental rights” (Case C-380/05)
Smismans: political myth
Part I: Evolution of EU fundamental rights (FR)- how it all began?- in other words?
how did it all begin- already emntio inbegign there was nothing in treaty bc thought was were gonna have economic unin- 1 st lec, ms could not agree on political union, back then couldn’t agree on fr. And yet if you look at articl2 see this, the union is ofunded on respet for hr
And you would say well this acc not true, bc weren’t any fr in 50’s and 60’s I also mentioned smismans in first lec and eu handout theres further reading this claim, polticla move it is not true but people believe it. And hre u cans ee that little thtem button in action and that basically relates tot heme, the eu as hr actor. Could say well if I think about begging of eu , eu was not hr actor cos weren’t any fr in the treaites and uet, that’s how ti should eb and yet sit way more diff cos we have this, foundantiaoanl claim in the treaties. Okay so start from 0- no fundamental rights
Q is what happens next
(2) CJEU develops EU fundamental rights (FR)- point 2?
(2) CJEU develops EU fundamental rights (FR)
When did this process start? Late 1960s/early 1970s -
Answer is- cjeu steps into game as saviour of hr in eu- happened early 60’s and 70’s and ct invented eu fr. Invented eu fr and u can see on slide, that the ct said eu fundamental rights, and integreal oart of general principle of eyu.
(2) CJEU develops EU fundamental rights (FR)- point 2?
General principles = unwritten primary law of the EU = developed by CJEU
Q what are geneal rpicnipes of eu law, theyre basically unwritten = but they are primary eu law,
(2) CJEU develops EU fundamental rights (FR)- what does point 3 mean?
Process similar to that of the development of the common law by English courts
that means if u look at text of treaties the ct is reading btw the kiens in order to figue out, develop, invent these gernal pricniples, which according to ct are part of rpiamry law they are part of this, whole picture but tehyre just not written. Vaguely equivalent to the common law. Common law is nto written developed by the courts
(2) CJEU develops EU fundamental rights (FR)- what is point 4?
And the e.g is given here is right to prop whichc ourt in hauer said, is the fundamental right and is general principl eu law is protected in eu
Example: the right to property = FR = general principle of EU law (CJEU, Case 44/79, Hauer [15, 17])
(2) CJEU develops EU fundamental rights (FR)- what is point 5?
But: Is this legitimate?:
‘The European Court […] has utilized general principles of law to cloak the nakedness of judicial law-making’ (Hartley, The Foundations of European Community Law)
(2) CJEU develops EU fundamental rights (FR)- what is meant by point 5?
What can see bottom here- is this acc legitlmate and that relates to the role of cts in state, or if your more of private lawyer and think about this as a contract, then u would say general principles fr, are implied terms if think about as contract, q of course is ct implies them but is that actually correct. And here have ct according to Hartley it is not, it is jduciial law making. So ct in thelate 60’s earl 70’s developed unwritten eu fundamental rights, why?
Why did the CJEU develop EU fundamental rights (FR)?
Why did the CJEU develop EU fundamental rights (FR)?
Case 11/70, Internationale Handelsgesellschaft
Why didn t it do thatand answer here case – intenrnale
Why did the CJEU develop EU fundamental rights (FR)- intenernationale point 1?
– u wil remebr from supremacy of eu law. Er, sp tp[c no.4 so see facts on slide. And ct simply said the validity of eu law can only be jusge r.a.w
Why did the CJEU develop EU fundamental rights (FR)- Case 11/70, Internationale Handelsgesellschaft
Facts of case: German company argued that EU Regulation breaches its human rights protected under the German constitution. [See Topic 4]
Why did the CJEU develop EU fundamental rights (FR)- what was held in intnernationale?
“The validity of [EU law] can only be judged in the light of [EU law]” and not in the light of national law
Problem: EU law back then did not mention FR protection Danger that EU law may undermine national fundamental rights
Solution: CJEU developed EU FR
Why did the CJEU develop EU fundamental rights (FR)- what does the case bring?
And that bovs brings u to problem in light of eu law if don’t have eu fundamental rights there si no light just darkeness- so cts need eu fr. In order to put flesh onto bone of this claim and that’s why it developed eu fundamental rights, that was basically solution
Case 11/70, Internationale Handelsgesellschaft
-what do we take home from case?
TAKE HOMEE: Developing EU FR = guarantee that national FR will not be infringed despite the supremacy of EU law
Case 11/70, Internationale Handelsgesellschaft- why is this?
Why? Because secondary & tertiary EU law is only valid if it complies with EU fundamental rights [Part III of lecture].
Developing EU FR = protects EU from challenges to supremacy by national constitutional courts [read German CC, Solange I + II (slides Topic 4)]
Case 11/70, Internationale Handelsgesellschaft- criticsm of this case?
Criticism: Was the CJEU concerned with protecting FR or with protecting supremacy of EU law?
In Internationale Handelsgesellschaft, both go hand in hand.
Case 11/70, Internationale Handelsgesellschaft- so what does it not matter?
So doesn’t matter what dinsticion is but nomal eu diretors, regulations are either secondary or tertiary and they ahev toc ompyl with primary eu lw, and what count as primary eu law = eu fr.
So if eu regulation or eu directive does not comply it canbe declared invalid by cjeu.
This how it works and this si why ivne ting new primary eu law-
new fr, ensures that toehr eu law doesn’t breach national fr , that was the thinking.
Case 11/70, Internationale Handelsgesellschaft- what conclusion does it lead to?
And that leads to another condlusionp if I develop as ct if I develop eu fr, im protecting eu from challenges coming from Germany against supremacy of eu law. So longer 1- discussed in supr lecture- ill give u ct again what german ct said.
Case 11/70, Internationale Handelsgesellschaft- as long as the eu doesnt provide what?
As long as eu foesnt provide hr protection similar to tha of german basic law the geemran consittuonal ct will review an eu measure, according to german fr standard. And that bovs udnermiens supremacy of eu law.
As logn as eu doesn’t provide necc protection, which is why ct then provided that rptoection in order to protect the supremacy of eu law. Remebre the theme, the eu as hr sector, why did the ct of justice invent fr, 1 because it wants to potect fr or option b actuall doesn’t careabout fr, what really care about is supremacy of eu law, fr simply means to reach that end.
Case 11/70, Internationale Handelsgesellschaft- so again what do i need to think about here?
So again tat soemyhing want u to think about when u think about eu as the hr actor. Fortunately for eu, in that case both go hand In hand, you protect fr and at same time also portect suprema of eu alw. We will come to other examples in next weeks lecture where we can see that’s not always the case.
(2) CJEU develops EU fundamental rights (FR)- what about this?
(2) CJEU develops EU fundamental rights (FR)
Fundamental rights do not fall from the sky. The original treaties are silent, so where do they come from?
- Sources of EU fundamental rights as general principles-Case 4/73, Nold [13]
1. International human rights treaties of which the MS are signatories (on left side)-E.g. ECHR (Case C-260/89, ERT [41])
2. Constitutional traditions common to the MS
(2) CJEU develops EU fundamental rights (FR)- which part of this slide answered the why question?
So this answerd why question? Why did court create fr- next q ask is what fr? Don’t just fall from sky, we don’t know what coutns fr in eu cos not int ext of teaty need to have source that tells us whatc an be considered fr. Ct solved this problema dn annulled in 70’s came up with answer, I order to know what kind of fr protected in eu we have 2 sources,
(2) CJEU develops EU fundamental rights (FR)- what is the ct saying?
The const comm and itnenrnation hum for e.g echr here u can see this relationship developing, ct saying when I develop eu fr, I will look at the echr. Aswell. What well do now, we will look at both sides on next 2 slides. And we start witht eh consituional tradition common to ms
2) CJEU develops EU fundamental rights (FR)- what is the 1st point were focusing on?
2.Constitutional traditions common to the MS
2) CJEU develops EU fundamental rights (FR)- what does consitutional traditions common to ms mean?
What are “constitutional traditions common to the MS”? = controversial
„common“ does not mean that FR is recognised in all or majority of MS constitutions
2) CJEU develops EU fundamental rights (FR)- what is meant by point 1 in regard to meaning?
What does that acc mean? Well that is v controversial and if u look at the case law of court, u will realise that common doesn’t actually mean what u mean common supposed to mean – of u ask ct that is not meaning u get in case law of ct common doesn’t mean that all ms need to agree with that’s oecufuc fr, ti doesn’t even mean that maj agree wit that, and on slide here see 1 example.
2) CJEU develops EU fundamental rights (FR)- e.g of common constitutions?
E.g.: Case C-144/04, Mangold [74-75]: CJEU developed general principle of non-discrimination on grounds of age
-problem was that in clear majorit that principle doesn’t have cosnitional staus even though ct relied on the common constituonal trradtiions in that judgement.
2) CJEU develops EU fundamental rights (FR)- response of mangold case?
BUT: clear majority of MS constitutions did not contain a special prohibition of discrimination based on age
Link to supremacy of EU law: Danish Supreme Court in Ajos, 2016 rejected to follow CJEU‘s Mangold decision(!)