Fundamental rights Flashcards
Reason for recognition by EU of existence / protection of fundamental rights
Doctrines of supremacy (Costa), direct effect (Van gend en loos) meant that individuals would not be protected by their national institutions
What does Tridimas say?
That in reality the proportionality test is two stage only - neccessity and suitability
What was the follow-up to Grogan?
X - abortion, rape. Ireland DID NOT refer
Changing approach of ECJ toward ECHR and MSs application of it
Cineteque - No jurisdiction over MSs courts compliance …… Ellinki - if national rules fall within scope of EU law, then FRs come into play
Why do we need general principles of EU law
To plug gaps, innovation, place limit on competence of EU
Pros for Charter of Fundamental Rights
Elevates rights to supra national level, all rights given equal status, important because of weak parliamentary controls, reflects modernity (see communication instead of correspondence), protects non-citizens
What problems does G Davies have with principle of subsidiarity?
Infantilises national govts, ECJ badly placed to rule on jurisdictional issues - inherently biased, treaty provides for WIDEST variety of competences
Case (pre Costa v ENEL) where ECJ would not touch fundametal rights
Stork v High Authority
Who criticised the rights language of the ECJ - “mythic construct”
Williams: rights reduced to a series of empty lables
Two cases which show the application of the propotrionality test
Fedesa - Lax test applied because EU measure - “manifestly inappropriate”. Cassis de Dijon - strict test because MS
Freezing order, ECHR has special significance, court can annul measures which implement wishes of UN Security Council where conflict with FRs
Justification for the different proportionality tests?
Needs to be stricter for MSs, because otherwise might affect the effectiveness of EU law
Some general principles of EU law
ECHR, equality, dignity, subsidiarity, proportionality, conferral
Definition of constituitionalism
Need for common norms, assumes existence of international community, agreed hierarchy?
What happened in Grogan
Ireland, abortion, freedom of speech, ECJ said not their jurisdiction - danger of inequality before the law - need an EU law to hang your right on