Fundamental particles Flashcards
Name all exchange particles
W+ Bosons W- Bosons Z Bosons Higgs Boson photons and gluons
Name all leptons
Electrons, muons and neutrinos
Name all baryons
Protons and neutrons
Name all mesons
K+ K- K0 π+ π- π0
What are the differences between mesons and baryons
Baryons contain 3 quarks whereas mesons contain a quark and antiquark pair
What do pi mesons contain
A quark and antiquark pair
What do K mesons contain
A quark/antiquark and a strange quark
What do K mesons contain
A quark/antiquark and a strange quark
Strong force exchange particle
Pions between hadrons and gluons between quarks
Electromagnetic exchange particle
Weak force exchange particles
Z and W bosons
Quark baryon number
Anti-quark baryon number
Which particles have a lepton number of zero
All hadrons and exchange particles
Which particles have a baryon number of zero
Mesons, leptons and exchange particles
Which particles have a strangeness of zero
Any particles with no strange quarks
Difference between gluons and pions
Both are for the strong force, however gluons are between quarks and pions are between hadrons. Gluons have no mass whereas pions do.
What quantities are conserved in all interactions
Charge (Q)
Baryon number
Lepton number
Kinetic conserved in an ELASTIC COLLISION
Strangeness conserved in ALL EXCEPT WEAK INTERACTIONS