FUNDAMENATAL PRINPLES and concept of computing Flashcards
A computing paradigm is a fundamental
approach to programming and problem-
solving, defining how software is designedand implemented.
Focuses on describing how a program operates with explicit instructions.
- Features: Uses control structures like loops (for, while),conditionals (if, else), and sequences to create clear,readable code.
- Benefits: Reduces complexity, improves clarity, andminimizes errors.
Structured Programming
- Features: Breaks down tasks into procedures or functions,which encapsulate specific operations.
- Benefits: Promotes code reuse, modularity, and easy maintenance.
- Examples: C functions, Pascal procedures.
Procedural Programming
Focuses on describing how a program operates with explicit instructions.
- Features: Divides programs into separate modules orcomponents, each handling a specific aspect of theapplication.
- Benefits: Enhances maintainability, facilitates debugging, andallows independent module development.
- Examples: Modula-2, Ada packages.
Modular Programming
- Features: Organizes software around objects that combinedata (attributes) and behavior (methods).
- Core Concepts:
- Encapsulation: Bundling data with methods that operateon that data.
- Inheritance: Creating new classes from existing ones topromote code reuse.
- Polymorphism: Allowing objects to be treated as instancesof their parent class.
- Examples: Java classes, C++ objects, Python inheritance.
D. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Specifies what the program should achieve without dictating howto accomplish it.
A. Functional Programming
* Features: Treats computation as the evaluation of mathematicalfunctions, avoiding state changes and mutable data.
* Benefits: Enhances predictability, facilitates parallelism, andimproves code reliability.
* Examples: Haskell, Lisp functions, Scala.
Features: Uses facts, rules, and queries to derive conclusions,focusing on problem-solving through logical inference.
* Benefits: Simplifies complex problem-solving, especially in AIand knowledge representation.
* Examples: Prolog rules and queries.
Logic Programming
Features: Specialized languages tailored for specificapplication areas, simplifying tasks in those domains.
* Benefits: Increased productivity and expressiveness inspecialized fields.
* Examples: SQL for database queries, HTML for web layout.
. Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs)
eatures: Executes multiple processes in parallel, using multipleprocessors or cores to solve large-scale problems efficiently.
* Benefits: Reduces execution time for computationally intensivetasks.
* Examples: Supercomputers, GPU computing.
Parallel Computing
Features: Distributes tasks across multiple networkedcomputers, allowing for resource sharing and scalability.
* Benefits: Enables handling large datasets and complexcomputations by leveraging distributed resources.
* Examples: Hadoop clusters, cloud computing platforms.
Distributed Computing
Program behavior is determined by events such as user actions,sensor outputs, or messages.
* Features: Utilizes event loops and handlers to manageasynchronous tasks efficiently.
* Benefits: Ideal for creating responsive user interfaces andreal-time systems.
* Examples: JavaScript (Node.js), GUI applications withevent listeners.
computing model is a specific framework or
architecture used to implement and organizecomputations,
components interact to process data andexecute tasks.
Employs quantum mechanics principles to perform calculations,offering potential for massive parallelism and complex problem-solving.