A mask used for airborne precautions
N95 mask due to presence of filter
Position for administering cleansing enema
Left Sims’ position
Best way to clean the nose
Both nostrils open to prevent ICP
Confirmatory test for NGT placement
After chestphysiotherapy, the nurse should ______.
Suction the mucus secretions
Position in preparation for inserting NGT tube
Fowler’s position
0.45% NaCl
Hypotonic sol’n
A female client undergone a mastectomy, what is the best position in which nurse should place the client?
HOB is elevated at 30 degrees with the AFFECTED arm elevated on a pillow
Position for thoracentesis
Orthopneic position (to promote lung expansion)
In doing perineal-genital care, how should the nurse start?
Cleanest to dirtiest
In doing perineal care, what is being cleaned with the 5th stroke?
Labia majora
Prevention of UTI?
Disconnect the catheter and drainage tubing unless absolutely necessarry
Use aseptic technique
Perform hand hygiene before and after the procedure
DO NOT maintain sterile -OPEN-DRAINAGE SYSTEM because it can cause infection
What should the nurse do if the client experience pain and intestinal spasm in administering an enema?
Stop the flow for 30s and restart the flow at a slower rate
NGT measurement?
From the TIP OF THE NOSE towards the tip of the UPPER EARLOBE and from the tip of the upper earlobe down to the XIPHOID PROCESS.
Contraindicated in performing CPT to client with Rib Fracture?
Chest clapping
Components of Chestphysiotherapy
Postural drainage
Deep breathing exercise
Chest clapping
The length of catheter to be inserted for oropharyngeal suctioning
4-6 inches
When inserting the suction catheter into the respiratory passage, the suction port should be _______.
Reason why sublingual should be given to client with hypertension?
SL is absorbed faster because there are many blood vessels and avoids hepatic first pass.
CI for IM Injections?
Bleeding tendencies
Type of syringe does the nurse need to prepare in administering insulin medication?
Insulin syringe
Common sites for IM INJECTIONS?
Vastus Lateralis
The client received a secondary infusion of new antibiotic, after 5 minutes the client reports itching and appears flushed. What the the FIRST nursing intervention?
A. Slow the rate
B. Assess the characteristics of the itching
C. Stop the infusion
D. Notify the physician
Stop the infusion because these are signs of allergic reactions
A nurse is preparing to administer a transfusion of PRBC to a client. What solution would the nurse expect to use to administer the transfusion?
0.9 Plain Normal Saline Sol’n
In doing post-op bed, what you should observe?
Do not let the patient use pillow for the meantime to prevent occurrence of headaches