Fund Accounting Flashcards
What’s a fund?
-A separate fiscal and accounting entity wit ha self balancing set of accounts
What are the three fund categories?
- Governmental Funds
- Proprietary Funds
- Fiduciary Funds
Under Budgetary Accounting, when are formal Dr/Cr entries made? When are they altered?
- At beginning of period to recored estimated revenues and authorized expenditures (appropriations)
- Only if there are changes in the budget
What are the two sets of financial statements for Governmental entities?
- Fund Statements: One for each fund category
- Government Wide Statements
How are Government-Wide Statements presented? (Remember doesn’t include fiduciary funds)
-On full accrual basis
What are the two types of Proprietary Funds?
- Enterprise Funds
- Internal Service Funds
Do governmental funds have long term items?
How do we account for fixed assets and long term liabilities for Governmental entities?
-In separate Account Groups not included in Fund Statements but included in Government Wide Statements