Functions/theory of families Flashcards
Murdock Criticism
C: -Too positive, Marxists argue it meets the needs of capitalism not wider society,
outdated, family can no longer perform these functions due to changes
-Key functions which benefit society as a whole allowing it to function
-stable satisfaction of sexual drive-model for how to express sexuality properly, prevents depravity
-Reproduction of the next generation
-socialisation of children into shared norms and values
-economic demands, shelter and food
Family provides key socialisation functions-primary socialisation done by the family
-Domestic division of labour based on biological characteristics-socialises children into gender roles-ensures men are breadwinners and women have a domestic role-contributes to economic function and function and stability of wider society
C: Outdated-no longer a domestic division of labour in the family due to changes in the family
Evaluation of functionalism
Radical feminists-too optimistic, overlook the dark side of the family and how women are harmed by the domestic division of labour-family benefits men and the patriachal system not society as a whole
-Marxists-the family benefits capitalism
-Outdated, overlooks changes to the family-
Engles-generational wealth
-Engels- Isolated nuclear family allows men to pass on generational wealth as they know their child is theirs and only marry within their class , reproducing class inequality and ensures private wealth remains in the family
Family provides relief from alienation of capitalism, allows men to feel in control which they don’t feel at work preventing revolution and making them accept capitalism
Marxists believe
that the family socialises the next generation into the ruling
class ideology and the unequal social hierarchy. This
maintains capitalism by ensuring the next generation
accepts the ruling ideology as normal.
Criticisms of marxism
-Overlooks other aspects of inequality-feminism
-Outdated-focus on nuclear family
-overlooks benefits of the family.
-families consume consumer goods from workers who are exploited benefting the ruling class and owners of the means of production as they maintain profit, continuing class inequality and the capitalist system
Liberal feminist view
-Social policy has made the family somewhat more equal, there is a decline of the nuclear family and gender socialisation, women are no longer socialised into the stressful expressive role, family is a more equal institution due to policy
Radical feminism
Greer-Patriachy is still a problem in the family and wider society as a whole, relationships between men and women remain exploitative-marriage and family reproduce patriachy, men still hold power in the home over women, many women are still subject to gender roles
-Ansley, women are takers of shit taking on mens fustrations
-have the dual burden of domesticity and paid housework
C: Overlooks social change-too pessimistic.
Marxist feminists
-The family exploits women to the benefit of capitalism, exploiting their labour and them reproducing the next generation-women are not paid for their work inside the home-exploitative