Functions Flashcards
Preloading arguments
import os
def load_file(file, base_path=’/’, mode=’rb’):
__return open(os.path.join(base_path, file), mode)
f = load_file(‘example.txt’)
import functools
load_writable = functools.partial(loadfile, mode=’w’)
you know the rest.
standard inspect module
inspect.getfullargspec() accepts a function, returns a tuple with:
- args - list of argument names
- varargs - the name of the variable positional argument (usually ‘args’)
- varkw - name of the variable keyword argument (usually kwargs)
- defaults - tuple of default values ofr explicit arguments
- kwonlyargs - list of keyword only argument names
- kwonlydefaults - dictionary of default values for keyword only arguments
- annotations - dictionary of argument annotations
def example(a:int, b=1, *c, d, e=2, **f) -> str:
import inspect
FullArgSpec(args=[‘a’, ‘b’], varargs=’c’, varkw=’f’, defaults=(1, ), kwonlyargs=[‘d’,’e’], kwonlydefaults{‘e’:2}, annotations={‘a’: <class>, 'return': <class>})</class></class>
see p.62 to 67 for a full example on using this.
uses for decorators
and a basic decorator
- Access control
- cleanup of temporary objects
- error handling
- caching
- logging
decorators remove boilerplate code and keep it somewhere handy.
decorators accept a function and return a function.
import functools
def suppress_errors(func):
__def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
______return func(*args, **kwargs)
____except Exception:
____return wrapper
allow a decorator to accept arguments prior to being used as a decorator
import functools
def suppress_errors(log_func=None):
__def decorator(func):
____def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
________return func(*args, **kwargs)
______except Exception:
________if log_func is not None:
______return wrapper
____return decorator
def some_func():
__return non_existant_variable
call it, no errors!
Decorator with or without arguments
import functools
def suppress_errors(func=None, log_func=None)
__def decorator(func):
____def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
________return func(*args, **kwargs)
______except Exception as e:
________if log_func is not None:
____return wrapper
__if func is None: ## we’re declaring log_func
____return decorator ## with log_func declared
____return decorator(func) #actually wrapper
Decorator to create decorators
func is not none, this returns
def decorator(declar_dec):
__def final_dec(func=None, **kwargs):
____def decorated(func):
______def wrapper(*a, **kw):
________return declar_dec(func,a,kw,**kwargs)
______return wrapper
____if func is None:
______return decorated
______return decorated(func)
__return final_dec
declared decorators must contain 3 arguments
- function that will be decorated which should be called if appropriate
- a tuple of positional arguments supplied to the decorated function
- dictionary of keyword arguments supplied to decorated function
args and kwargs don’t get * and **. They are just placeholders to be put in func, as yet undefined.
@decorator #below passed as declar_dec
def suppress(func, args, kwargs, l_func=None)
____return func(*args, **kwargs)
__except Exception as e:
____if l_func is not None:
def example():
__return variable_which_does_not_exist
example() ##doesn’t raise an error
def print_logger(message):
def example():
__return variable_which_does_not_exist
global name ‘variable which_does_not_exist’ is not defined
function annotations
after the argument name, a colon signifies that an annotation is coming.
def prepend_rows(rows:”a list of strings”, prefix:”a string to prepend to each row”, ) -> “a new list of strings:
__return [prefix + row for row in rows]
def prepend_rows(rows:list, prefix:str) -> list:
__return [prefix + row for row in rows]
simple. sorta useful. Extended examples are worth studying in the book. Page 78 onward.
- 18 methods
count(10) == iterator starting at 10 and going forever.
cycle(‘ABCD’) –> A B C D A B C D …
repeat(10, 3) –> 10 10 10
chain: returns generator
list(chain(“ABC”, “DEF”)) == [‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’, ‘F’]
chain.from_iterable([‘ABC’, ‘DEF’]) –> A B C D E F
accumulate: p [, func]
accumulate([1,2,3,4,5]) –> 1 3 6 10 15
compress: data, selectors
compress(‘ABCDEF’, [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1] –> A C E F
dropwhile: pred, seq
dropwhile(lambda x: x <5, [1,4,6,4,1]) –> 6. 4. 1
filterfalse: pred, seq
filterfalse(lambda x: x%2, range(10)) –> 0 2 4 6 8
groupby: iterable [, keyfunc]
sub-iterators grouped by value of keyfunc
islice: seq, [start,] stop [, step]
islice(‘ABCDEFG’, 2, None) –> C D E F G
starmap: func, seq
starmap(pow, [(2,5), (3,2), (10,3)]) –> 32, 9, 1000
takewhile: pred, seq #opposite of dropwhile
takwhile(lambda x: x<5, [1,4,6,4,1] – 1 4
tee: it, n
it1, it2, it3 … itn splits one itererator into n iterators
zip_longest: p, q, …
zip_longest(‘ABCD’, ‘xy’, fillvalue=’-‘) – Ax By C- D-
product: p, q, … [repeat = 1]
cartesion product, equivalent to nested for loop
product(‘ABCD’, repeat=2) –> AA AB AC … DC DD
permutations: p[, r]
r-length tuples all possible orderings, no repeats
combinations: p, r
r-length tuples, sorted, no repeats
combinations_with_replacement: p, r
r-length tuples, sorted, with replacements