Functions Flashcards
What are functions useful for?
Re-useable code blocks
Efficient computation with built-in functions
e.g. myArray.join(‘ ‘)or
Math.random() are part of JS but in another language like C++
What’s the difference between parameters and arguments?
Parameters are placeholder for future arguments to be passed to a function.
function name(parameter1)
Arguments are actual values that are passed to the function as a parameter
function name('Bob');
What are arrow functions? What three things can you apply it to?
How would you express the below as an arrow function?
function name(n) {
return n*2;
Brief, concise way to to write function expressions, one-line actions and call backs
let name = n => n*2;
What’s the syntax for arrow functions?
(1) 1 argument
(2) no arguments
(3) multi-line steps;
(1) let name = n => n*2;
(2) let name = () => code;
(3) let name = () => {
What are anonymous functions? Give an example
They don’t have an associated variable name, often used where a function expects to get another function as a parameter
For example, the function addEventListener() expects 2 arguments to be passed type and listener, where listener is usually another function.
Without using anon functions, we need to specify a separate function for logkey:
addEventListener('keydown', logkey); function logKey(event) { console.log(`You pressed "${event.key}".`); }
We can write it like this with anonymous functions:
textBox.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { console.log(`You pressed "${event.key}".`); });
What is a function expression? Give an example.
An expression is a function created inside an expression or another syntax contstruct
E.g. assigning a function to a variable name
let sayHi = function() { alert( "Hello" ); };
Allow anonymous functions
How do you declare a function?
This is a statement
function name(param1, param2 …) {
What are return values?
Value that is returned after a function executes
Not all functions return a value - can be void
or undefined
What is function scope?
Each function is discrete (walled off from other functions) - any variables declared in a function cannot be accessed by other functions
When is a return value generally used?
For a function that is an intermediate step in a calculation e.g. the result it gets is stored in a variable to be used later on
Define ‘invoke’. How would you invoke a function?
Invoke in coding means to instruct to run
To call a function, cite its name:
If a function is not a structure, what is it?
A special kind of value
What’s the primary difference between a function expression vs declaration?
A Function Expression is created when the execution reaches it and is usable only from that moment.
A Function Declaration can be called earlier than it is defined.
When should we use function expression over a declaration?
We should default to using a declaration at first before considering an expression: flexible organisation - we can call anywhere, easier to locate in a script
What is a method?
A function that is a property of an object.
When should local or global variables be used?
Global variables are storing project level data, otherwise, it’s recommended to use local variables to limit changes and keep code clean
~ source
What happens in a local variable if it has the same name as a global variable?
Local variable has precedence i.e. it “shadows” the global variable
What are the 3 different ways to specify default parameter values if none are given when a function is called?
(1) assigning something to parameter with =
. this can be simple to complex like another function
function showMessage(from, text = "no text given") { alert( from + ": " + text ); }
(2) compare parameter with undefined
(3) use || operator
function showMessage(text) {
// if text is undefined or otherwise falsy, set it to ‘empty’
text = text || ‘empty’;
The two roles of return
when used in a function?
(1) Returns an actual value
(2) Stops code from executing
- value may be returned
- return by itself just triggers an exit
What is the output for an empty return
or if no return is specified?
(1) function doNothing() { /* empty */ }
(2) function doNothing() {
returns undefined
What are callbacks or callback functions?
functions we pass as an argument in another function and call/execute later
… like addEventListener??
To increase readability and help make our script maintainable, we should write how many actions per line?
One line, one action
Do functions have to have arguments?