Functionalists Flashcards
What is functionalism
It’s a macrostructualist theory which looks at the big structure of society and how it dictates everything else. Top down as it has impact on ppl below
System that is inter related and interdependent and a system prerequisites in order to work. families contribute to the success and survival of society
What is George Murdock theory
Functionalist who was critiqued of having a rose tinted harmonious view
Believed in nuclear family men instils discipline based on biology and are the breadwinners (instrumental role)
Women are the expressive role which carding and nurturing. This doesn’t talk ab family diversity and oppresses women. nuclear families fulfils economic function. families make crucial contributions to society pre-requisites.
What did George Murdock believe ppl got married for
Reproductive-future workforce, Children and stable relationships
Economic- Providing food shelter and clothing
Socialisation- children learn basic values of society media
What does Parsons argue
When society industrialises the family not only changes its structure but also looses some of its functions. Pre-industrial family was a multi-functional unit. Now fam cease to be unit of production, unit of consumption, looses function towards school
what are parsons theories
Modern nuclear family has 2 irreducible functions
Primary socialisation- family are factories which produce human personalities
Warm bath theory
Privatise nuclear family more isolated
What’s parsons functional fit theory
Nuclear Family for the needs of industrial society and is a dominant family type in society the extended family fits in need of the preindustrial society. As a nuclear decay mobile function is replace
How’s modern industrial needs diffferent to traditional
People need to move where the jobs of it’s easier for the compound to generation nuclear family to move, geographically mobile
Modern industrial society based on evolving science so needs competent workforce status is achieved making social mobility possible
Critism of functionalist views of the family
To narrow exclude family types
family gender stereotypes/socialisation - benefits of men more than woman based on biological characteristics
too much focus on a nuclear family ignoring growing family diversity does not focus on the darker side of family life ignoring conflict and abuse within families
Parsons ethnocentric- based on American roles rather than research
Criticism of George Murdock view
Marxist suggest that Murdoch ignores influence of capitalism in reproducing next generation of workers and controlling ability of workers to challenge working-class class
What is the warm bath theory
Family life provides emotional security for adults indulge into childish tendencies with children and self happiness in contrast to adult life
What are the changing functions of the family
Reproductive function main reason for getting married in the past insures that there is a feature workforce
Caring for dependent children feeling clothing housing children who are unable to look after themselves
Caring for the younger sick at the old
Primary socialisation and social control of children children learn the basic values and beliefs of society they learn social rules and it’s further reinforced by sanctions
Education before education was established in the 1880s the family was the main educational establishment
What are the functions of the family perform
Protection and child rearing provide protection for dependent children the family is viewed as the first environment to develop children in an emotionally and secure environment
Care and companionship and provide emotional and social care for members
Sexuality- ppl being socialised into dominant ideology and heterosexual relationships conditioned to accept marriage and mothers caring
What are feminist views on the family
Argue that the family has very harmful effects own woman family is to socialise woman to be submissive to men in order to maintain male power via gender stereotypes are subjected to domestic labour whereas men are more likely to gain paid employment housewives carry very little status compare compared with the paid employment of men
What is radical feminist views on family
Argue that the process of socialisation maintains middle power within society Aurora Purdy argued that woman have children and performs the vital function of reproducing species having children represent a commitment form and Bafwaan are unable to work hence an unequal and male dominated society