Functionalist- Roles of the family Flashcards
primary socialisation
teaches norms and values
shared culture or way of life
cooperates and integrates them into society e.g manners
Primary socialisation- AO3
Feminists- socialised into the norms of patriarchy
works as a unit to meet needs if all members
eg nuclear family
man is the bread winner and does the paid work to provide for the family
Economic- AO3
marxists- rose tinted family serves capitalism e.g family car
Warm bath theory
safety valve- a place for worker to relax and escape stress of workplace so they can go back the next day
A03 warm bath
Oakley(radical feminist) women don’t get the warm bath as they have to perform house work 77 hours a week
murdock- reproducing the next generation
AO3 Reproduction
nuclear family is outdated- postmodernism
sexual regulation
murdock- partners in monogamous marriages have safe access to sex and therefore it prevents social disruption
A03-Sexual regulations
marxists- serves capitalism monogamy developed as capitalism did