Functionalist Perspective on the family Flashcards
the idea that society requires shared norms and values in order for it to function properly- consensus theory
Murdock’s 4 vital functions
1) Sexual- adults have sexual needs met in a stable relationship
2) Reproduction- family created next gen of society
3) Socialisation- family carries out primary socialisation teaching norms and values
4) Economic- all members provided for e.g housing
Definition of family
Social group characterised by common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction. Includes adults of both sexes, children
Evaluation of murdock
Excludes different family types
Excludes alternatives to family (commune)
Ignores dysfunctions of family
Talcott Parsons- traditional functions of family taken over in modern industrial society by social services/schools
Geographically mobile workforce- easier for compact nuclear families to move where work in in the industrial society
Socially mobile workforce- status now achieved through effort and not ascribed at birth
new gen can move up social ladder
gen of different social classes living together would cause conflict so better to live as nuclear family unit
How was the preindustrial family a multifunctional unit?
extended family and rural economy
children= economic assets
older relatives provided services like childcare, education and healthcare
What happens to the functions of the family as a society becomes industrialised?
Work and home separated
Families need to be geographically mobile
Clear gender division of labour- men in factories
Couldn’t take extended families with them
What are the 2 functions of the family that will never go away?
Primary socialisation- individuals learn the shared norms and values of society without this there would be no consensus and no social order
Stabilisation of adult personalities- ‘unstable personalities’ threaten social order. Family destress from tensions of daily life- woman provides emotional support for husband and children give the man an opportunity to relax and be playful