Functionalist Flashcards
What did Davis and Moore say about education?
Society allocate people to different roles some are functionally important they have high status and rewards to attract best people to them it’s important to ensure most talented people get the best jobs however this means middle class have more opportunities and working class can’t do social mobility
What do functionalists say about education?
They believe education performs vital functions for society socialization teaches norms and values to children through secondary socialization serves the needs of the economy as it changed new workers provides role allocation which allows more talented people to get best jobs and it’s fair due to meritocracy where you work for what you get
What did parson say about education?
Education bridges the gap between particularistic standards where each individuals family has its own norms and values to universalist standards which is society’s value consensus
School socializes individuals into the shared values of a meritocratic society based on individual achievement where everyone achieves their own status or equal opportunities as school as a miniature version of wider society
What functions do functionalists believe education performs
Allocation and meritocracy
Creating social cohesion
Teaching core values
Learning specialist skills for work
Evaluation of functionalists perspective on education
It ignores the negative experiences that some people saw at school the theory assumes that education system is beneficial for everyone society consists of different people with different interests each group has its own set of values
Bows and gintis education functionalism
School Maris the workplace correspondence principle which prepares children to fit easily into their future roles creating a hardworking obedient and motivated workforce formal curriculum like English and maths and hidden curriculum like dress code obedience be on time
Dirkheim education
He believed four society to operate individuals need and agreed norms and values called value consensus a society didn’t have them it would cause chaos and that would be an absence of social norms called anomie education play the vital role in teaching us societies knobs and values they also made us feel like we belonged to society called sociality it also helps us learn specialist skills and how to perform our role correctly in society
Davis and moore
Allocates us to roles education system we learn what our strengths and weaknesses are best and much to that is a hierarchy of jobs in the job market and education selects and sorts people for different levels in the job market the most capable individuals and op achieving the best jobs
Evaluation weaknesses
Education doesn’t give everyone the same norms of values for example faith school socialized children in different ways
Marksey schools only transmit normative values that benefit capitalism to keep the rich in control of society new right says it fails to prepare people for the workplace
Myth of meritocracy education doesn’t operate on a marriage aquatic system not all groups and society have equal chance of succeeding regardless of their ability affected by cages
Fails to produce a workforce that meets the needs of the economy
Evaluation strengths
Functionalists theories are universal can explain the education systems of any industrialized country
Functional stereos explain the links between education and work and the economy well
Evidence to support the functionalist view parsons education does compare us in terms of examinations and derkheim in history we learn about our heritage