Functionalism Flashcards
Criticises Parsons on 3 grounds:
-Universal functionalism- Not all sub systems have a completely positive functional effect.
- Functional unity - the sub systems have some relative autonomy from one another.
- Indispensability - he assumes all subsections are indispensable in their current form but may be better way to raise children etc.
Merton argues that functions can be manifest - intended and latent - unintended dysfunction. ie science and climate change.
BUT unscientific as cannot be falsified .
social solidarity and collective conscience key.
Evaluation of Functionalism
- Telelogical argument
- Unscientific
Ignore conflict Only stable if norms are stable (dog eat dog) Conservative so maintains the status quo ignore power divisions WRONG- too deterministic
CRAIB - complete theory
MURRAY - likes as reinforces need for strong social control.
Structural Differentiation -> The functions of different sub systems evolves as societies needs evolve. For example, education system displaces the family as the main provider of education and the family could no longer teach the skills required by society. Harmony and order is maintained by dynamic equilibrium.
INtegration - social integration is crucial for maintaining social order and meeting the systems need, integrating into your role in the system. This is achieved via socialisation and social control.
Organic Analogy
Society is like a biological organism - It is a system of inter-dependent parts that all play a role in ensuring the survival of the system by ensuring its basic needs are met.
Goal attainment - Politics
Adaption - Economy
Integration - media, education, religion.
Latency - family, ensures continuation of stablity through pattern maintenance.