Functionalism Flashcards
Nuclear Family
Two parents (man and woman) and their children
Primary socialisation
The nuclear family educate the next generations on societies values and beliefs to help them successfully integrate into society
Symmetrical family
Young and Willmott - March of progress view
a family where the roles and responsibilities both outside and inside the home are shared equally. This means that both partners have paid jobs outside the home and they participate in domestic labour
Murdock’s four functions of the family
Satisfaction of the sex drive
Primary socialisation
meeting its members economic needs
Reproduction of the next generation
social and geographical mobility
pre industrialisation families used to consist of immediate and extended family, when the Industrial Revolution began families split and became nuclear families to be able to move closer to the factories. Social mobility- people can achieve a new status through hard work instead of being born into a status
March of progress
Young and Willmott- families are becoming more equal
Biological/ Sexual devision of labour
Women and men have segregated roles within the house, men are the breadwinners and women are the housewives
Parsons says that segregation is based on biological differences