functional theory of religion Flashcards
what is the functional definition of religion?
Defined in terms of the social or psychological functions it performs for individuals or society.
What is durkheims function of religion?
the contributions it makes to social integration
what is an advantage and disadvantage of the functional definition of religion?
advantage: inclusive, allows a large range of beliefs and does not specify a belief in god.
disadvantage: just because an institution helps integrate people it does make it a religion.
what is the constructionist definition?
Focuses on how members of society themselves define a religion.
Aldridge- scientology is a religion among its followers but several governments reject its legal status.
What is the sacred and the profane?
Durkheim- there is a fundamental distinction between the sacred and the profane. the sacred thing evoke such powerful things that the only thing that can do that is society- they are worshipping society itself.
what is the profane?
the profane are things that have no special significance.
what is the sacred?
the sacred are things that are set apart and that inspire feelings of awe, they surrounded by feelings of awe and taboo.
what is totemism?
Durkhiem- the arunta clans perform rituals worshipping of sacred totems. when clan members worship their totemic animal they are worshiping society, represents the power of the group
what is the collective conscience?
the collective conscience is the shared norms and values that promote social integration.
Durkheim- regular shared religious rituals reinforce the collective conscience and maintain social integration. Religions rituals allow us to feel like we apart of something better.
cognitive functions of religion
Religion is the origin of concepts and categories we need for reasoning and communicating. Durkheim and Mauss- that religion provides basic categories.
what are criticisms of the functional definition?
- Worsley- no sharp division between the sacred and the profane, diff clans share the same totems.
- Mestrovic- diversity has fragmented the collective conscience so ther is no longer a single shared value system.
Psychological functions.
what does malinowski argue
religion helps people cope with emotional stress that undermines social solidarity
what role does religion play (Malinowski)?
- where the outcome is important but is uncontrollable.
-ocean fishing is dangerous and gives people a sense of control
what is the second role Malinowski says religion perfroms?
- at times of crisis- religion helps minimise disruption. death is the main reason for the existence of religous beliefs.
what does Parsons argue about values and meanings?
it creates and legitimates societys central values.
it is the primary source of meaning provides answers to the ‘ultimate questions’
how does religion legitimate societys basic norms?
it legitmates societys basic norms by sacrilising them. provides a source of meaning by answering the ‘ultimate’ question
what is a civil religion?
a civil religion is a belief system that attaches sacred qualities to society itself.
what does BELLAH argue that a civil religion does?
it integrates society involving loyalty to the nation state and a belief in god that makes up a good american.
evaluation of functionalism
neglects negative aspects of religion eg. extremism
ignores religion as source of division and conflict